Matched with the color Red and the Note C (C).
A balanced Root Chakra is essential for building the foundation of our lives and focusing on the goals to be achieved.
It casts our anchor in the flow of life and is the basis for all our work. A strong Root Chakra gives a positive approach and mindset toward life and fosters an awareness that unity with all of creation, is fundamental in our efforts to keep this universe healthy.
Vibrational Essence 1st Chakra – Red Tone note C (C)
The characteristics of the perfectly balanced Root Chakra are a strong and determined feeling toward beauty in life. The belief that our dreams will come true with ease and that we deserve such abundance, security and prosperity in all aspects of our lives is ingrained in us. This state of balance is characterized by a sense of consecutiveness starting with the physical body that forms the foundation for all other, higher chakras.
When do you need to use it?
Read the questions below and answer them. If you feel negative answers, it means your emotional stability is compromised and this is reflected on all other planes (physical, mental, spiritual). Generally there is always a need for red energy, due to the fact that we use so much of it every single day.
Self check up – if the answer to 1 or more questions is negative, you need to strengthen the chakra:
– Do you feel that your family supports you in the choices and changes you have made in your life?
– Does your job support you and provide the quality of life you deserve?
– Do you like your home?
– Does the structure of your life allow you to enjoy your family, friends and the things you own in your life?
– Do you feel confident in yourself?
– Is your life and home organized?
– Do you feel you have the right to realize your dreams?
The Root Chakra is the source of our life force.
A balanced Root Chakra is essential for building the foundation of our lives and for focusing on the goals to be achieved. It casts our anchor in the flow of life and is the basis of all our work.
A strong Root Chakra gives a positive approach and mindset toward life and fosters an awareness that unity with all of creation, is fundamental in our efforts to keep this universe healthy.
The simplest and most effective way to rebalance the body is through the use of Color and Sound. Life is sound and sound brings life to earth. Sound can be used to interact with other energies and often augments or amplifies the energies with which it is infused. Sound helps restore balance, relieve pain and accelerate healing of the body.
Essences are vibrational remedies that act on subtle energies created with the healing vibration of sound from crystal bells, whole notes and semitones of the harmonic scale, including the equivalent color.
This balanced situation is characterized by a sense of consecutiveness starting with the physical body, which forms the foundation for all other, higher chakras. The Root Chakra is the source of our life force.
The only vibrational Essence line for chakras that works on the Main Chakras (TONS) and the connecting bridges between each Chakra (SEMITONS)
Evolved Alchemical line for rebalancing the Chakra system, made to rebalance the main chakras (TONE) and the link/communication ring between one chakra and another (SEMITON). You can purchase the products the pair (recommended solution) or either (Activate chat for help).
The simplest and most effective way to rebalance the body is through the use of COLORS and SOUNDS. Life is colors and sounds and they bring life to the earth. Sound can be used to interact with other energies and often augments or amplifies the energies with which it is infused. Colors and sounds help restore balance, relieve pain and accelerate healing of the body.
Essences are vibrational remedies that act on subtle energies created with the healing vibration of sound from crystal bells, whole notes and semitones of the harmonic scale, including the equivalent color.
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