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Essence Passion – True Love – Couple’s Union


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Live and know the frequency of true Love, take it inside you

Release the energy of the Heart to experience the most authentic feelings. No matter how far the spirit may go, it will never go farther than the heart

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Heart Healing Essence – Passion – True Love – Couple’s Union

Living well as a couple is life’s greatest gift and the greatest path of soul growth. A union of great value, presupposes the awakening of authentic values, listening to one’s heart and healing the wounds of the heart, suffered in the past or during childhood. 

This essence is a light that ignites the authentic ray of True Love, in the Heart of people. The vibration of True Love is the first step in healing the Heart. Listen to your heart. It knows all things.

What happens while you use essence:

You can use the essence when you feel your relationship is out of tune. Misunderstandings, arguments, poor physical relationship, are all alarm bells to pay attention to, because they are symptoms that the couple is drifting apart. The essence rekindles the light of true love in the heart. It rekindles the original dream, that spark that was ignited in the moment of meeting or marriage. It is not just about a memory, but about igniting that authentic light, inside the soul, inside the heart, in the thoughts. Use the essence for as long as you need it, the process takes time to process, don’t rush and don’t give up, thinking for me it doesn’t work!.. it works for you too, rest assured, maybe you have different times, you have deep convictions, give yourself a chance to feel the change. This essence has helped hundreds of people all over the world.

Passion Essence releases the energy of the Heart to feel the vibration of True Love pulsating.

Listen to your heart is not just a romantic phrase. Or rather, you can see it this way but there is a much deeper meaning. When your heart is closed, different material implications take over. You lose important things in life by following others instead of your aspirations, your dreams and your desires. Listening to the heart means first of all accepting yourself, understanding what you want and doing everything to achieve your dreams. Not all of those dreams are realized but, as Paulo Coelho always says: “No heart has ever suffered when it has pursued its dreams.”

Why does it work?

The D # F # B # accords you with the frequencies of the True Love, enclosed between the ancient archetypes and the divine essence. It is the connection with the loving energy of the Goddess and Mother Gaia, favoring a sweet loving communication with the Spirit and the Angels, destiny will no longer be a mysterious entity to predict, things will happen without effort and you will know how to savor every moment of your life.

When to use the essence?

Use Passion Essence when you want to awaken and feel the energy flow of true Love flowing within you, when you need to feel love towards yourself and when you want to feel True Love out of you.
Use Passion, when you want to attract people who illuminate your world and give a real, joyful and profound meaning to your life.
Use Passion, when you need to calm the thoughts of the mind, when you feel stressed and want to simplify your life.
Use Passion, when you are in conflict with others.
Use Passion, in the family, to bring peace where there are tensions and create real harmony. To help lighten the heart from pain and worries.
Use Passion, to create a future, love is the most important thing.

How does it work on a physical level?
The essence opens the bridge of connection between: the 1st,4rd chakra, in the semitone frequency mode and the 7th chakra.

Which are the ingredients?

The product was structured by combining the frequencies coming from the diapason and crystal bubbles with the profound knowledge of homeopathy, color, crystals and gems, sacred geometry, flower essences and aromatherapy. All to create a perfect blend for each of the 5 energy levels.

Crystals: Ajoite, Amber, Amethyst, Turquoise, Rose Quartz
Essences: Dove, Goat’s beard, Fireweed, Harvest Lily
Essential oils: Chamomile Blue, Mandarin, Patchouli, Sweet Orange Ylang Ylang

How to use it
60 ml spray format with delicate fragrance:
Spray the essence with 4/5 sprays, 10 cm above the head, 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Keep away from heat sources and electronic devices (TV, cell, PC).
For external use only. Not suitable for children under the age of 5 years.

The Essences of the Heart

Begin NOW your journey of Healing the Heart, starting from the essence that you think is best suited to you, but don’t forget to progressively use them all, because love is made up of 7 distinct colors, but all together they CREATE LIGHT.

The essences are fast and effective in achieving desired results. Many emotional discomforts are due to an imbalance in the energy system. The essences are a valid aid to get out of thought forms that prevent you from living well.

Vibrational remedies take you into the flow of where you want to go because sound vibration can instantly shift your frequency.

Have you ever noticed that when you FEEL GOOD … GOOD things happen to you? What seemed impossible yesterday, today is possible. AWAKE your creative power and fill your future with Color.

The essences are in line with Bruce Lipton’s findings, according to which it is possible to achieve balanced health by improving the environment’s frequency range.

The Essences of the Heart have won the international award for best Visionary Product!


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