Awakens Gratitude in the Heart
Eliminate the blocks that limit awareness of abundance and fill it with confidence in the Universe
Transform negative and miserable attitudes into positivity and prosperity
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“Here is my secret. It is very simple: you can only see it well with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes.”
Awaken Gratitude in the Heart
Clears blocks that limit awareness of abundance and fills it with trust in the universe for the good of all. Turn negative attitudes of scarcity into positive approaches of merit, of willingness to receive, of appreciation for the generous gifts the universe bestows each day.
Wouldn’t you like to give the energetic charge to the power of love, the strongest power in the universe ? But how to do it ?
The Open the Heart Essence activates the energy of the Heart and the Power of Love. It is infused with a pulsing electric energy, which emits the strongest power in the universe, the power of love. This essence helps transform negative and miserable attitudes into positivity and prosperity, bringing tranquility and calm to relationships.
Open the Heart creates harmony between Heart and Brain, generating over 1300 positive biochemical reactions! This results in benefits for your soul, mind and body. You will have a better immune response and increased cardiovascular support. The harmony between Heart and Brain activates the enzyme that repairs/heals and lengthens telomeres, relieving the stress that shortens them.
Why does it work Open the Heart?
The D# chord infused in the essence gives you the ability to stay connected with yourself, other humans, animals, nature and the spiritual world.
It connects you with your purest creative energies, which truly nourish your being. It instills a sense of wonder at everything you see, hear and experience, as if life is something new and original.
How does it work on a physical level?
The essence opens the bridge of connection between the 4th, 2nd and 3rd chakras and the Astral Body allowing you to jump on the frequency of the D# chord. This chord helps restore the noble and delicate forces of self-love and brings peace and calm to relationships.
What are the ingredients?
Crystals: amber, gold, pearl, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, white topaz
Essences: fireweed, goatbeard, harvest lily, peace dove, peace fairy, primrose
Essential oils: balsam, fir, frankincense, galbanum, rosewood, ylang yang
How to use.
60 ml spray format with delicate fragrance:
Spray the essence with 4/5 sprays, 10 cm above the head, 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Keep away from heat sources and electronic devices (TV, cell, pc).
For external use only. Not suitable for children under 5 years of age.
The Essences of the Heart
Begin NOW your journey of Healing the Heart, starting from the essence that you think is best suited to you, but don’t forget to progressively use them all, because love is made up of 7 distinct colors, but all together they CREATE LIGHT.
The essences are fast and effective in achieving desired results. Many emotional discomforts are due to an imbalance in the energy system. The essences are a valid aid to get out of thought forms that prevent you from living well.
Vibrational remedies take you into the flow of where you want to go because sound vibration can instantly shift your frequency.
Have you ever noticed that when you FEEL GOOD … GOOD things happen to you? What seemed impossible yesterday, today is possible. AWAKE your creative power and fill your future with Color.
The essences are in line with Bruce Lipton’s findings, according to which it is possible to achieve balanced health by improving the environment’s frequency range.
The Essences of the Heart have won the international award for best Visionary Product!
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