Come usare le Essenze con Suoni per la tua crescita personale

How to Use Sound Essences for Your Personal Growth

Essences with Colors and Sounds are one of the most extraordinary systems available today, offering wellness vibrations in five dimensions of the body.

The discovery of essences with sounds

The Essences were discovered in 1998 by a Canadian researcher who, during an experimental course, discovered that by transmitting the note to water Do it turned red for an instant, even though it was pure water.

This discovery opened up new horizons for her, new possibilities for healing through informed waters , never thought of before. The studies continued for over 15 years and a series of essences with sounds, flowers, colors, crystals were formulated as vibrational remedies for the well-being of the body, mind and spirit.

The magic of water

Water is truly a sacred element.

It has been revered by civilizations for hundreds of years. It has remarkable properties and it is by exploring these properties that we can better understand how, by inserting vibrations, it helps us to nourish and maintain the integrity of our body's energy.

Our energy body is the structure of our physical body and imbalances in the energy field manifest themselves in the physical body.

The water It is the lifeblood of the universe , which helps us keep our energy field (aura) in balance and carries the messages of the Essences with Sounds , for our global well-being.

The Power of Sound

Sound accompanies us every day of our lives, in various forms: voice, music, sounds.

It has the power to influence our emotions in a positive or negative way.

There are sounds, such as the sound of traffic or sirens, that decrease our energy level.

It is very interesting to study sound because we are not only influenced by the sounds we hear, but also by other vibrations that our energy body absorbs from the environment, such as radio waves, microwaves and electromagnetic frequencies.

There are also sounds, such as those of crystal bells, which have the property of raising our energy level and, when we have the opportunity to live this experience, something inside us changes forever , opening our minds to different life scenarios.

The Essences with Sounds were created by imprinting specific notes for each type of essence and use alchemical formulas to accelerate processes. Alchemy has the ability to transform a set of factors, bringing them to a higher evolutionary level that allows us to share the experience with others.

The sound vibration contained in the essences is not audible to most people: only those who have a high level of sensitivity may be able to hear it.

How Essences are created

Sound Essences have been created to support people in their healing and spiritual growth process since 1998.

While many are still left wondering how essences work, others are trying them and living the experience with confidence.
We hope that once you experience the Essences with Sounds, you will become aware of how they work to support you in whatever area you need.

The Essences with colors and sounds, are infinitely more complex and profound than they appear at first glance.

Each system uses sounds that affect certain aspects:

Essences for Meridians

The Essences for Meridians they act on the physical level . or are created with tuning fork vibration and homeopathic herbs that support organs and glands.
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