Come abbinare le Essenze alle Terapie Bioenergetiche

How to combine Essences with Bioenergetic Therapies

Essences with Sounds programmed with the vibrations of Flowers, Colors, Crystals, Aromas, Gems and Symbols.
They are natural Aura harmonizing Essences with a full vibrational spectrum measured through quantum physics.

The essences were discovered in 1998 by a Canadian researcher who, during an experimental course, discovered that by transmitting the note to the water Do it turned red for an instant, even though it was pure water.

This discovery opened up new horizons for her, new possibilities of healing through informed waters , never thought of before.

The studies continued for over 15 years and a series of essences with sounds, flowers, colors, crystals were formulated as vibrational remedies for the well-being of the body, mind and spirit.


Water is truly a sacred element.

It has been revered by civilizations for hundreds of years. Water has remarkable properties, and it is by exploring these properties that we can better understand how by inserting vibrations it helps us to nourish and maintain the integrity of our body's energy.

Our energy body is the structure of our physical body, and imbalances in the energy field manifest in the physical body.

Water is the lifeblood of the universe, which helps us keep our energy field (aura) in balance and carries the messages of the Essences with Sounds, for our global well-being.

All Alchemical Essences that are programmed with Colors and Sounds can be used to support and combine with the following healing techniques:

  • Reiki
  • Healing with hands
  • Healing with touch
  • Therapeutic touch
  • Touch of well-being
  • Professional Kinesiology
  • Applied Kinesiology
  • Polarity
  • Acupressure
  • Shiatsu
  • Reflexology
  • Yoga
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Meridian System
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