Who we are

We are a leading company in the Italian market, which offers Remedies for “emotional healing”.

In a world where emotions are often put on the back burner , we shine like a beacon, guiding the soul towards “emotional healing”.
With passion and energy, we educate our clients on the transformative power of vibrational remedies, emphasizing how each vibration can awaken and Heal the Heart . 💖

Every day, with dedication and commitment, we work to equip people with the tools to navigate emotional storms and find serenity .

Today, as the air vibrates with gratitude and hope, we celebrate an extraordinary milestone: we have touched and transformed the lives of 3,000 people , accompanying them on their journey of healing through the magic of vibrational remedies and the enlightenment of new knowledge.
We want every individual to recognize the vital essence of emotional health in the great theater of life.

Our pride lies in our pioneering role in disseminating revolutionary wisdom on emotional healing.
Our indomitable spirit will guide us, continuing to enlighten minds and uplift souls, revealing the wondrous power of vibrational remedies.

Our mission? To be a safe haven for anyone seeking peace and inner balance.


To be a market leader in the sectors


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Emotional health

Emotional balance refers to the ability to manage one's emotions in a healthy and effective way. It means having an adequate level of awareness of one's emotions, being able to recognize them, accept them and manage them appropriately.

Emotional balance also involves being resilient in the face of life’s stresses and challenges, maintaining a sense of calm and inner stability. Good emotional balance contributes to better mental health and overall well-being.

Emotional Wellbeing

The realization that it is impossible to have a healthy, fulfilling life if you don’t feel good emotionally has grown in recent decades and is now a focal point of the overall wellness movement.

In this sector we are increasing our presence by 30%, with treatment and massage protocols dedicated to SPAs , laying the foundations to open up to foreign markets in the Healing Hotels sector.


We help people quickly free themselves from emotional suffering, through emotional well-being and personal growth.

Ailight - Colors for Life operates in the Holistic Energy Medicine sector

If traditional medicine deals with healing the body, energetic medicine deals with healing the subtle bodies, through the 5 levels of energy systems that impact the part:

physical – mental – emotional – intuitive – spiritual


Emotional and vibrational harmony with the body dimension

The “ ili ” sounds and colors project proposes a concept of multisensory well-being, which generates emotion and harmonious vibration between body, mind and spirit.

True multisensory well-being is achieved only when a point of balance is reached on the four fundamental levels of the human being: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. This horizontal balance is achieved through the vertical balance of all energy centers, and the coherent exchange of information between these centers.

Vibrational Communication

The human body has a complex energetic pattern composed of thousands of energetic connections and communication is a fundamental element. The evolutionary path of the human being cannot be activated without the activation of interconnections. Communicating means being able to listen to the needs of the physical body, knowing the functioning of the mind, the purpose and function of the soul.

Our sensory system works through emotions.

A thought, which generates light, has an effect on the entire biological, energetic, vibrational system.

Universal Languages

– Colors represent the first light that turns on the human system, they are our helpers

– Sound makes emotions vibrate…and not only

– Colors & Sounds, lead to a deep understanding of ourselves, to the evolution of the levels of intelligence of the human being, awakening dormant information, Sounds and Colors, harmonized at a vibrational level with each other, generate a synergic evolutionary effect that we call Multisensory Well-being.


The School on the Energy of Color

The courses of the School on the Energy of Color allow you to learn about the Language of Color and apply it to various areas of work or private life. We have courses open to the general public and courses reserved for expert personnel. If you want to know all the courses visit the website www.scuolacolore.com

Multisensory training courses

The multisensory training courses are reserved for sector operators and for the training course to become a Colour Coach. The following can access: Holistic doctors, Homeopaths, Holistic operators, Counsellors, Physiotherapists, therapists, operators in the wellness sector, able to document their professional preparation and attention

Iliana Manfredi
Founder and President