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Illustrazione colore indaco

Tips for a bath with INDIGO color water

Bathing in INDIGO Color Water is not an experience for beginners and most people reject it, since they lack in massive dose of the courage of the RED and a small amount of curiosity of the YELLOW so that they can be able to dive in the dark and dark waters of the INDIGO bath. But you are there first and then you quickly recognize the feeling of slipping in a little bit and that feeling is a very natural feeling for an INDIGO.

You have never been without the energy of INDIGO, it resides in you, but it is located in different places for most people. For many it is still guarded and forgotten. You have encountered your INDIGO because it is something that is, by nature, an integral part of the energy with which you were born and it is for this reason that you surely know where it is in you.

INDIGO represents another form of intelligence that is not considered by educational institutions and the ordinary learning system, but is typical of those prominent personalities who have been successful in the literary field, artistic and those most creative minds in general. They are people who understand that they are attracted to something different, aware of their value and their evolutionary path as artists. This something, when it is developed, becomes extravagance and emotion. However, no one has ever learned how to use this source for knowledge purposes.

Now anyway you can get acquainted with this energy that connects you with that cognitive intelligence. REMEMBER that you cannot teach it to yourself until you feel it, you must feel it manifest, you must “slip” into it. So if you want to know yourself now, as the next step you have to find out that part of you that is INDIGO.And REMEMBER that everyone has INDIGO energy somewhere within them. Try to look for it, as it is a good friend to have. It is not greedy, it is not seeking power, it is not betraying you, it is not showing itself. It is a part of you that you cannot manipulate or corrupt with lies or lies. He doesn’t want anything from you, he doesn’t want anything from you, he doesn’t need anything. It’s just there, indiscriminately for you, so you can listen to it and learn to find it from who you are.

Tips for the bath

Fill the tank with water and pour INDIGO water until you get the color gradation you like. It should be dark and you should also notice that it is RED/DARK BLUE in color. Sit in the INDIGO water bath. You are happy to take this bath, but you do not have a floating pillow for your head, so Comprane one so you can see first of all how pleasant it is to be in the water.
Remember that you have been in the water for 9 months and this the body knows, although many have forgotten.


After choosing to take a bath with INDIGO color water, you will be ready to know yourself. Something about you is there in the darkness, something that was there even at the moment of your birth. In there is the core that originated you, that part of you that has always existed and from which you can draw wisdom, inspiration and knowledge. Once discovered, you can take it with you in the light of truth here and now.

They (the colors) think that once caught, you can see them in the light. Surely you can choose to do something with them, or ignore them altogether. The choice is yours. REMEMBER that you don’t always have to think about it or think that it is absolutely worth taking them all at once. Do it calmly. Some people feel that they need time and that they can also turn out on other occasions. When they pop up, don’t forget to anyway to say thank you and tap yourself on a body part while doing so.

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