Face life with positivity and fulfill your desires!
The Think Positive Essence is spectacular when you try it and see how it can help you transform your thinking, opening your eyes to the positive side of life, tuning in to the frequency of your deepest desire.
If you think this is not possible…. it’s because you haven’t tried it yet !
Scroll down and find out more
Think Positive brings your thoughts to the positive part of life, every day!
It contains different frequencies that support our senses in transforming attitudes of scarcity into attitudes of merit and willingness to receive. You will feel positive and energetic, ready to face any challenge.
We are physical, emotional and spiritual beings; these three intertwine and represent our overall state of well-being. When at any time one of these bodies is out of balance, it creates emotional distress that alters the state of health. Each dimension has its role in stabilizing our health and requires specific support.
Our physical bodies can be supported with air, water, foods and herbs. Emotional and spiritual bodies need support from other elements of the universe, which include sounds, light, colors, crystals, gems and flowers. Other aspects of supporting our whole bodies come from positive words and loving touch. There are many different ways in which we receive healing vibrations from the universe. It is important to be open to the experience.
You will be ready to make your wishes come true: an unfulfilled wish means that your Aura is not tuned in to the vibrations of what you desire, otherwise it would have already turned into reality. Positive Thinking tunes you to the same frequency as your deepest desire, which will become reality!
The essence contains: 12 Notes – 12 Colors – 17 Crystals – Essential Oils: Orange, Rose, Geranium, Lemon, Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram
Sacred Geometry: Merkaba.
Essences with Aura Sounds
They are natural harmonizers of the whole Aura spectrum, made with sounds, crystals, colors, flower essences, gems and symbols. You can choose the one you prefer from the 11 available: Aura Joy, Spiral Energy, Love and Light, Flower of Life, Stargate, Secrets of the Universe, Infinity, Positive Thinking and Love Desire.
Each essence has a very specific function: you can choose by following your intuition or get advice from one of our experts. The Essences with sounds involved the “nourishment” of our energy field and can be used up to 3/4 times a day, giving power and energy to the body.
Type: Natural Aura Harmonizers in whole vibrational spectrum measured by quantum physics Fragrance: Light and delicate fragrance
Available spray package: 15 ml and 60 ml
Instructions: Mist around yourself from 1 to 4 times a day for the benefits accruing to the body. The benefits of the essences are immediate, however you need a period of 4-6 weeks of using the product to consolidate the cellular memories.
Pensiero Positivo is intended to alter your vibrational frequency to match the frequency of your desired life. If you have a desire, you are not in resonance with this desire because if you were in resonance you would already have it and not desire it.
This resonant frequency creates what is called “the law of attraction,” which refers to the things we attract to ourselves.
Let yourself be enclosed by the fragrance of the essence for the aura Pensiero Positivo and exclaims:
I am ready and willing to get!
I am perfectly in harmony with the vision I have of me
I am Worthy
The Essence Pensiero Positivo contains different frequencies that support each of our senses in transforming attitudes of scarcity into attitudes about deserving and willing to receive. When your vibration is tuned to the frequency of your deepest wish, the wish comes true.
It’s all about matching frequencies.
Go on your way and creates that delicious life you deserve!
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