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The Rainbow Serpent contains the life energy of particular oils and herbs and is charged with the energetic vibration of crystals, sacred geometries, cosmic energies, colors and other frequencies.
This incredible Alchemical Essence was created to awaken Kundalini energy.
The Rainbow Serpent contains the life energy of particular oils and herbs and is charged with the energetic vibration of crystals, sacred geometries, cosmic energies, colors and other frequencies.
This incredible Alchemical Essence was created to awaken Kundalini energy. Rainbow Serpent Essence helps to raise kundalini energy, giving physical energy to each chakra through the frequencies of all the colors of the rainbow. This process allows you to access your highest levels of consciousness and reach states of enlightenment. Excellent for those who practice yoga and meditation.
This spray essence brings about a deep realignment of all chakras by promoting the release of blockages that can retard your spiritual growth. If during the process the energy stops becoming an obstacle, it can be released by applying the appropriate chakra essence to the chakra.
What is Kundalini Energy ?
Kundalini refers to an energy that resides in the human body at a subtle level, a manifestation of the universal energy better known as shakti. Specifically kundalini would correspond to the “generative force.” Kundalini, in its latent state, resides at the base of the spine above a plexus that is made to correspond to the lowest of the chakras, usually called mulÄdhÄra, and particularly in the sacrum. It is traditionally represented by a sleeping serpent, wrapped around the base of the spine in three and a half turns..
Since ancient times, the snake has been considered a symbol of transformation due to its ability to mutate the skin and has been associated with physical and spiritual well-being and enlightenment.
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