The 5 human energy systems
By Iliana Manfredi
Ancient codes coalesce into today’s discoveries and in determined steps lead us to look toward new horizons of knowledge and soul healing.
You will also discover all the benefits of Essences with Colors and Sounds, their methodology of use for your personal and professional well-being.
By Iliana Manfredi
Ancient codes coalesce into today’s discoveries and in determined steps lead us to look toward new horizons of knowledge and soul healing.
Who are we really as human beings ? It is a question that captures our attention, one that we have been trying for centuries to answer.
This study on the 5 human energy systems, aims to weave the connecting threads that generate human structure, through sacred geometry, numerology, sounds, colors, gemstones
deva and the holographic structures of the divine plane everything is interconnected.
We are multidimensional beings, developed on various levels and one interacts with the other. A physical pain, an emotional block, draws its origin and expands its effects on all levels.
In the evolutionary process of human neurobiology, light through specific tools, expands our thought forms day by day. We are discovering our energy bodies, and this
new level of understanding will revolutionize the way we see and experience life, as well as give us the concrete awareness that we are co-creators of life on this planet.
We are physical, emotional and spiritual beings; these three intertwine and represent our overall state of well-being. When at any time one of these bodies is out of balance, it creates the emotional distress that alters the state of health. Each dimension has its role in stabilizing our health and requires specific support.
Our physical bodies can be supported with air, water, foods and herbs. Emotional and spiritual bodies need support from other elements of the universe, which include sounds, light, colors, crystals, gems and flowers. Other aspects of supporting our whole bodies come from positive words and loving touch. There are many different ways in which we receive healing vibrations from the universe. It is important to be open to the experience.
When we talk about energy rebalancing, in a serious, systematic and professional way, we need to consider all energy levels of the human being, using the available tools of light. The analysis of imbalances on the various levels must be clear and thorough, and the use of several remedies at once allows for faster and more effective unlocks.
In this book, you will learn how the 5 human energy systems are interconnected and about the methodologies you can use for global rebalancing.
You will also discover all the benefits of Essences with Colors and Sounds, their methodology of use for your personal and professional well-being.
Book 15*21 – 216 color pages only in Italian
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