Colour-Sound spray essence for Aura. Bring Abundance in all aspects of life
Abundance essence – Allowing for Gifts in Life
Abundance, represented by the colorful pin wheel, symbolizes the kaleidoscope of life’s gifts coming to you from all directions. Every color splaying avenues of abundance; plentifulness of all the good things in life. It bestows the ability to see the beauty in everything, seeing with the heart, not with the eyes.
Abundance is infused with the chord of perfect unity, CEG, which enhances the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us, rendering harmony and unity. This higher frequency creates what is called “the law of attraction” which refers to the things we attract to ourselves and opens us up to a wealth of possibilities. When you are in tune with your goals, you lack resistance and turbulence, you are in the flow.
Available in spray bottle 60 ml
Type: Natural Aura Harmonizers in whole vibrational spectrum measured by quantum physics
Fragrance: Light and delicate fragrance
Available spray package: 60 ml
Instructions: Mist around yourself from 1 to 4 times a day for the benefits accruing to the body. The benefits of the essences are immediate, however you need a period of 4-6 weeks of using the product to consolidate the cellular memories.
More information about Abbonadanza
The vibrational remedy Abbondanza was created to bring “abundance” in all aspects of life. Each color gives off the potential of abundance and fullness for all the finer things in life. The agreement chosen for this essence is CEG, a trio of notes that are in perfect unity with each other. The 2nd soul ray balances the sensory system at various levels, allowing the open-mindedness. It also stabilizes the entire system from the inside, because it activates its functioning as a unit.
Abbondanza includes the following elements:
Chrysanthemum: this essence supports the mental vitality and aligns the psyche to the body consciousness, making you aware of the effects they have on the body, your thoughts and your actions. It brings light to reveal the dark side, so that you can recognize and accept the parts that you tend to hide yourself. And it’s only when you accept your light part and your shade part that you can achieve unity with yourself.
Anaphalis margaritacea: This flower essence enhances the commitment and lasting devotion; It promotes openness to the mysteries of life and the transformation through change.
Impatiens: the essence of this flower helps to promote calm, tolerance and understanding towards others. It flows peaceful energy in yours and other peoples’ lives.
Zigadenus venenosus: this flower essence exalts the spiritual rebirth and helps to bring awareness of the spiritual connection with all aspects of life.
The Essence of marine Barnacles is useful to develop unconditional trust.
Nigella Damascena: This flower essence clears and cleanses the auric field from distracting energy;it clarifies the boundaries and etheric auric; It supports opening to love and be loved. It also increases the clarity on your own motivations, your spiritual direction, emotionally , removing weight to the frustrations and doing so it allows to make more conscious choices.
It helps to return to yourself after overcoming numerous obstacles. It calms and relaxes old emotional trauma; It increases the energy flow in the lower part of the body; it repairs energetic body damages and it realigns body and spirit. It helps us to see the hidden beauty in all things, to see with heart and eyes.
Essential oils:
Combining aromatherapeutic Abbondanza includes: Orange, incense, patchouli, cloves, ginger, myrrh, cinnamon.
The essential oil Abbondanza is created to increase the frequency of the harmonic magnetic energy field that surrounds us. This higher frequency creates what is called “the Law of Attraction,” which refers to the things that we attract. The Essence Abbondanza opens to the PROSPERITY.
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