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Illustrazione colore blu

Colour Chakra Oil Blue

Blue – Relaxation, communication, truth

Use the energy of Blue when you want to improve your ability to communicate. Blue is the color of leadership and improves organizational skills. It promotes contact with one’s own inner truths and allows one to express them in a clear, sincere and polite way. Blue promotes sleep and helps calm hyperactive children.

Effects on thought and mood:

  • Relax and calm the overexcited mind
  • stimulates introversion and introspection towards one’s own feelings and emotions

Use it when you experience the following symptoms:

  • Stress
  • agitation
  • insomnia from too many thoughts
  • nervousness
  • irritability
  • lack of organization.
  • sore throat
  • laryngitis
  • hoarseness
  • pain in the shoulders and arms
  • fever
  • cough
  • laryngitis
  • inflammations
  • muscle spasms
  • insect bites
  • menstrual pain
  • intestinal colic
  • heat dysentery
  • hemorrhoids

The blue color helps to lose weight and calms hyperactive children.

When to use it: Preferably in the evening, before bedtime or during the day, to encourage and support communication, or if there is a need to calm down.

Instructions: Put 5/6 drops, on the area of the body that corresponds to the 5th Chakra, on the area of the throat and shoulders. It is possible to rub the mixture on the areas of the hands or feet that correspond, according to reflexology, to the 5 Chakra. In this case, gently massage the affected points.

Other ways of use: Add in the bathroom with Water Color… To increase the synergistic effect in the color bath, add a few drops, as desired, in the bath water and/ or foot bath, to create a synergistic treatment of aromatherapy and chromotherapy.

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