Che cos’è la cromoterapia?

What is chromotherapy?

Chromotherapy is a complementary therapy used for thousands of years in ancient cultures in Egypt, China and India. Color is simply light in different wavelengths, where each color has its own particular wavelength and energy.

Chromotherapy has many uses

The energy associated with each of the seven colors of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, resonates with the energy of each of the seven major energy centers “chakras” in the body. The chakras can be thought of as a set of gears or wheels, similar to the operation of a clock; each wheel needs to move smoothly for the clock to run properly. Likewise, for good health and mental balance it is essential that all of the energy centers are in balance. Energy balance in each chakra in the body is very important for health and well-being. Color therapy can help rebalance and/or stimulate these energies by applying the appropriate color to rebalance the energy centers “chakras.”

Color is absorbed by the eyes, the skin, the skull which is our magnetic energy field , the aura and color energy affects us on all levels, i.e., physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs energy from light – so color energy has widespread effects throughout the body. There are many different ways to take color energy, including: Solarized water, lamps with colored filters, colored silks etc, however the greatest effectiveness is obtained by using products and/or tools specifically designed for color therapy, (visit our online shop of color therapy products ).

Chromotherapy cures the mind

Color therapy can be used to help on a physical level, which is the easiest way to quantify, but color works on deeper parts such as psychological and spiritual levels. Our well-being is obviously not purely a physical issue. Fortunately, many therapists who belong to traditional medicine are now treating patients holistically. That is, we are the body, the mind and the spirit, and none of these areas can function completely alone; each area has an effect on the other. This is why color therapy is so useful as color works on all levels of our being.

Our first experience with color dates back to our mother’s womb, where we were enveloped in the comforting nourishment of the color pink. Then as children we associate color with learning processes and these early associations contribute to the development of our consciousness. As we grow up we attribute multiple feelings, memories and meanings to certain colors and this can become an element in our subconscious. We are able to assign prejudices to colors that we assign happy, sad, or scary connotations to us.

All life experiences imprint themselves on us. Some experiences will be positive and some negative. It is the negative experiences that can manifest over time in a physical way, creating discomfort and illness. For example, if we are unable to express ourselves or speak our truth, a problem can manifest in the throat chakra. The throat chakra refers to the spiritual aspect of self-expression. So, if our self-expression has been blocked, the energy in this area will not flow freely and this in turn can lead to a physical manifestation of illness. Working with the appropriate colors can dispel negative feelings, release blockages and rebalance the emotional, spiritual and physical body.

Color therapy is a non-invasive holistic therapy and in reality, color should be a part of our daily lives, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist. Color is all around us, everywhere. This beautiful planet does not contain all the most beautiful colors of the rainbow for no reason. Nothing on this earth is here just by chance; everything in nature is here for a purpose and color is no exception. All we need to do is raise awareness of how the energy of color can transform our lives.

Chromotherapy is a method that can be used alone or together with any other complementary therapy and is available for adults, children and animals with the help of expert personnel and/or through the study of the Language of Color.

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