Come ottenere i massimi benefici con i bagni di colore

How to Get the Most Benefits from Color Baths

What is color?

Our main source of energy is the sun and the entire spectrum of colors comes from light. Each color has its own wavelength and vibration, and produces a specific energy that affects us physically, emotionally and mentally. Each person has seven major energy centers and each center is governed by one of the seven colors. We receive the nourishment of colors, from the sun, food, herbs, essential oils, minerals, sounds, color baths, clothing, decorations.

Why dive into the Color Water?

Acqua di Colore is a highly effective wellness therapy.
Each color in the light spectrum vibrates at a different frequency giving the human body its special qualities and influences. “Color” is a powerful language. Human development has always taken place in an aquatic environment, rich in vital elements (the mother's womb), imagine for a moment how much energy is released by combining the vital force of water and the power of color together!

Why was Acqua di Colore created?

Acqua di Colore uses the power of color vibration and we want to find a simple way to bring this wellness therapy closer to people, in their lives, in their families and in their homes. What could be simpler than pouring color into water and immersing yourself?

Color Water is a simple and fun way to absorb the benefits of color vibrations. Immersing yourself in water, a natural element, matching the energy of color, creates a wonderful atmosphere of healing well-being that the body immediately recognizes. The therapeutic effect of color is immediate.

When should I use Acqua di Colore?

Whenever you want! Color helps you balance the energy of your body, through the energetic properties of each single color. The body is already programmed to recognize them, and reflects a change in mood, energy and general state of well-being. The color bath is a simple, economical way to find your personal balance. Try and experiment with all the colors of the rainbow!

RED, ORANGE and YELLOW are “Warm and Stimulating” colors, which give physical energy and give concreteness to the decisions made. It is recommended to use them in the morning bath or during the day until the early afternoon. GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO and VIOLET are “Cold and Calming” colors. A bath before going to sleep is the best time to use them, however they can be used at any other time of the day if desired.

How is Acqua di Colore made?

Acqua di Colore is a mixture of natural organic products with water and natural glycerin. It is non-toxic. It does not contain perfumes and oils. The product can be safely used by all people and even children.

Does Color Water leave stains?

Acqua di Colore is a pure organic pigment and leaves no residue or color stains. It is not advisable to mix it with other chemical substances (shower gel, shampoo, etc.). If the water coming out of the aqueduct is treated with chemicals or the bathtub or containers are dirty, the color pigment can stick to the walls coloring them, however it is easily removed with simple cleaning.
To clean the bathtub or foot bath tub, or the shower, it is advisable to use natural products.
The use of chemical detergents leaves residues on the surfaces that deteriorate the materials they are made of and leave a residual film made of chemical elements. Colour Bath has been sold in many countries for many years and is absolutely safe, but it is always advisable to carefully follow the instructions for use.

Color Water and the Environment

Many pigments on the market contain toxic chemicals that leave residues on the skin.
Acqua di Colore is organic and biodegradable and works by transmitting the energy of color at a cellular level, for this reason the beneficial effect is guaranteed. In addition, the intensity and concentration of the color allow you to quickly obtain the benefits of pure healing energy.

How can I tell if a color works for me?

To fully understand the power of color energy and our products, we suggest you keep a journal, writing down how you feel after using color in any modality. For example, after using any of the color tools, write down if you feel more emotional, mentally alert, physically energetic, spiritually elevated, etc.
We have understood that the more senses we can stimulate at the same time by combining more tools, the stronger the effects. Combining the Color Water with essential oils means stimulating the visual and olfactory sense at the same time. Adding listening to music also allows the connection with your energy centers, and at this point the level of the experience rises even higher. Now imagine using after a color bath, other tools such as food, clothes, drinks! The energy increases again and again ten times more!
Generally, if you focus on a single color for a whole day, using all the tools, you can notice the difference! The body stores the “memory of vibration” in the cells and uses it, recalls it when it needs it. Instinctively, colors will become good friends and allies that help at different times of the day. We thus become aware of which energy to use in every moment of our life, energy becomes help, support, protection, develops faculties, talents, enthusiasm, love, passion, joy….

Instructions for use

The color is absorbed by the body, through immersion of the hands, feet and body. Pour the liquid into the water of the container and/or
bath, in hot water, but not boiling. Immerse yourself for a minimum of 10 minutes up to a maximum of 20 minutes. DO NOT EXCEED. For colors
Red, orange, yellow are recommended to be used during the day, all other colors can be used at any time of the day.

How can I learn more about colors?

By attending our Color School seminars, you can learn about colors and also experience them.
The “Energy Map Test” is a quick and easy way to understand who you are and have an accurate analysis of your personal colors.

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