Terzo Chakra

Third Chakra

3rd Solar Plexus Chakra – The Great Awareness

Paired with the color Yellow and the Note E.

The Sacral Chakra follows the identity of the right hemisphere of the brain, while the Solar Plexus Chakra follows the modus pensandi of the left hemisphere.

A person with a balanced Solar Plexus Chakra lives all aspects of life with true peace and deep harmony, because they have taken full responsibility for their life and have allowed others to do the same with theirs: an attitude based on the philosophy of “live and let live”. Typically, these people have an easy-going personality; they are responsible, reliable and have the ability to face any challenge that comes their way.

The energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra is logical rather than artistic, sophisticated rather than innocent, suspicious rather than trusting, and responsibility-bound rather than commitment-free.

The note E physically supports the small intestine, liver, digestive system, stomach, spleen, gallbladder, autonomic nervous system, muscles and the lower back.


  • Improve your mind power and memory. Yellow is thought to be supportive in cases of Alzheimer's, memory loss or mental fatigue. Ideal for supporting your mental clarity when studying.
  • Improve your intellect, work on your self-esteem and ego.
  • Support control issues. Yellow is the center of the sun and therefore encourages positive thoughts and a sunny disposition.
  • Stimulate the upper digestive system. If you have a sluggish liver, or an intoxicated body, Yellow helps to release toxins through the skin and helps the intestines function normally. Note: When bathing in Yellow, you may notice a discoloration of the water if your body needs to cleanse and eliminate toxins.

What can I use to increase my energy?

Every day you use up energy, to walk, to think, to play sports, to love and also to dream. In truth, every morning, you should do a quick check to see if your energy “tanks” are full enough to face the activities you have planned to do during the day, so as to never find yourself insecure and unprepared.

Below you can find two products, specially designed, absolutely effective, that you can use quickly in the morning, after the shower. Constant use will allow you to always feel full of energy, as the days go by you will feel fears, blocks, anxieties vanish, because the energy of color has the property of reprogramming cellular memories, dissolving everything that creates discomfort. You will also feel an improvement in your Love Relationships.

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