Quarto Chakra

Fourth Chakra

4th Heart Chakra – Open Your Heart and Share It with Others

Paired with the color Green and the Note F.

The Heart Chakra is all about unity, peace, and unconditional love, hope, forgiveness, compassion, and generosity.

If your Heart Chakra opens, so will your ability to connect with your higher self.

In this way you will radiate love and understanding .

A person with a balanced Heart Chakra radiates warmth, sincerity and happiness, and has a strong connection to everything in life. They love easily and have compassion with a sincere willingness to help. This person puts their soul into everything they do and their unconditional love is very evident, as they are able to see the potential in everything.

The F note physically supports the heart, blood, circulation, lungs, rib cage, skin and upper back.


  • Healing a broken heart. GREEN is the energy that connects to your right to love, on a level of unconditional love that does not feel the need to be reciprocated. It helps to release resentment, guilt and pain.
  • Solve forgiveness issues. Helps in accepting others and oneself. Green is the color of renewal and growth (allowing you to expand and grow regardless of the situation).
  • Stabilizes the heart center or when there is a need for peace and harmony in your life. Excellent for integrating the body with the mind and spirit.
  • Relax muscles. GREEN eases tension and reduces muscle spasms, thus producing balance in your body.

What can I use to increase my energy?

Every day you use up energy, to walk, to think, to play sports, to love and also to dream. In truth, every morning, you should do a quick check to see if your energy “tanks” are full enough to face the activities you have planned to do during the day, so as to never find yourself insecure and unprepared.

Below you can find two products, specially designed, absolutely effective, that you can use quickly in the morning, after the shower. Constant use will allow you to always feel full of energy, as the days go by you will feel fears, blocks, anxieties vanish, because the energy of color has the property of reprogramming cellular memories, dissolving everything that creates discomfort. You will also feel an improvement in your Love Relationships.

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