I Meridiani

The Meridians

What are meridians?

They are channels of energy that oscillate with the life force.
Think of this force as a life wave, traveling along the string of a violin in response to a light stroke of the bow. Depending on the strings and notes played, information is transported in the form of music, to the listener.

What actually happens is that the stimulation of the string causes the atoms to vibrate and generate a sound wave. So, just as music can influence our emotional states by promoting excitement, courage, calm, melancholy and even sleep, stimulating the notes or acupuncture points along the string of a physical meridian will send vibrational information to the organs, energy centers and the brain.
If there were no vibrant life waves flowing through our hearts, they would stop in the same way that a water pump would stop when its electrical cord is cut.

If there were no vibrant life waves coursing through our brains, they would go blank like a television set whose antenna has been disconnected.
We are alive because of the level of energy and information, which moves like a vital wave, along the meridians, allowing the internal mechanisms to function.
The quantity and quality of our life is directly proportional to the vibrations of the life wave. Meridians are not like nerves or cellular tissue, although nervous tissue is found along the channels of the meridians. Meridians are more like thin streams of water, highly polarized, which are currently believed to be long strings of liquid crystals that react to light and transmit bioelectrical signals along their paths.

Meridians are like a thread of tissue that connects all the organs, glands and body substances.
The Nei Jing says, “The meridians move the Ch'ì and blood, regulate the Yin and Yang, moisten the tendons and bones, and benefit the joints.” The meridians also connect the inside of the body with the outside.

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