Essenze con suoni per Meridiani

Essences with sounds for Meridians

What are Meridian Revitalizing Sound Essences?

The use of Meridian Revitalizing Essences, generates magical effects when used with tapping on the dualistic nature of the meridians. Meridian Sound Essences support the physical aspect of the meridian through the vibration of the subtle energies of the herbs and support the etheric aspect with the vibration of the sound.

The Essences with Sounds for the meridians are:

Essence for the Yin/Yang meridian pair related to the Five Element Theory: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood to make the seven essences of the fourteen meridians.

The Fire element is made up of four meridians, two sub-elements of the Sovereign Fire relating to the Heart Meridian and the Small Intestine Meridian, and two of the Ministerial Fire relating to the Circulation/Sex, Triple Heater meridians.

The Earth element refers to the Spleen Meridian and the Stomach Meridian

The Metal element refers to the Lung Meridian and the Large Intestine Meridian

The Water element concerns the Kidney Meridian and the Bladder Meridian

The Wood element refers to the Liver Meridian and the Gallbladder Meridian.

The Essence with Ying/Yang Sounds is for the central meridians Conception Vessel (Ying) and Governor Vessel (Yang).

To use the Revitalizing Essences with Meridian Sounds, simply vaporize around yourself so that the benefits fall on the body.

Essences with Meridian Sounds
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