Yin/Yang Meridian
Success begins with the truth
The Yin/Yang Meridian uniquely expresses the ebb and flow of life, life force and nature. Yin and yang are considered opposing but complementary forces in balance between positive and negative. Sometimes you can be more yin and other times more yang. Both of these forces contain a small amount of the other. They are opposing forces that interact to create balance in the body, a good state of balance is the main message derived from the yin and yang theory.
Emotions play a vital role in your health, and by finding the emotional balance of yin/yang, you will have another important factor in supporting your health.
The Yin/Yang Meridian is made up of the Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel meridian pairs that physically support the spine, brain, central and autonomic nervous systems, skeletal system, and hormonal system.
The benefits of the Ying/Yang Element Vibrational Alchemical Essence :
Health:Yin Conception Vessel
The Conception Vessel Meridian governs all other meridians. It supports conscious awareness and represents our connection to our source. The Conception Vessel Essence can be used to rekindle sexuality, procreative capacity, and divine joy, as well as knowing your place and having all you need to manifest abundance. -
Health: Yang Governor Vessel
The central point of the Governor Vessel Meridian is choice as it supports subconscious compensation. Free will is the first and greatest gift from our creator. The essence with sounds produces the improvement or balance of this meridian and allows to activate the decision-making ability.
The characteristics of a balanced Yin/Yang Meridian pair is being able to go with both the ebb and flow; knowing that one can never fully experience joy if one never fully experiences pain. There is a sense of support and trust, everything is in perfect order, even if in reality it seems chaotic, like the waves of the ocean, constantly changing.
Being in balance between the energies of this pair of meridians means enjoying all the ups and downs of life.