Primo chakra

First chakra

1st Root Chakra – The Great Emotional Balance

Paired with the color Red and the Note C.

A balanced Root Chakra is essential for building the foundation of our lives and for focusing on our goals. It casts our anchor in the flow of life and is the basis for all our work.

The characteristics of a perfectly balanced Root Chakra are a strong and determined feeling towards the beauty of life. The belief that our dreams will come true with ease and that we deserve so much abundance, security and prosperity in all aspects of our lives is rooted in us. This balanced situation is characterized by a sense of consecutiveness starting from the physical body that forms the foundation for all the other, higher chakras. The Root Chakra is the source of our life force.

A strong Root Chakra gives a positive approach and mindset towards life and fosters the awareness that unity with all creation is fundamental in our commitment to keeping this universe healthy.

The human being is made of energy just like a star, a stream, a plant. An axiom known for millennia by alternative medicine, which has always considered the human being capable of regenerating, self-healing, making the most of the energies of the Universe.

The chakras are connecting doors between the external world and the internal world and we can visualize them as vortices with the tip of the cone facing some parts of the body, which convey the energy or prana that surrounds us and in which we are completely immersed. At our birth, the seven chakras are not all present. They develop gradually over time, completing their cycle in about 20 years, and then restart with the evolution, which we will exercise through our choices and our life paths. Therefore the chakras are in continuous evolution throughout our life.

The only chakra that is present before we are born is the root chakra, which is the first chakra that will develop until the eighth month after birth. The first chakra represents the earth, our roots, the foundations on which each of our existence is based. Muladhara means root support. Although it has many masculine qualities, the first chakra is also the home of the Goddess Kundalini, and is therefore associated with the relationship with our mother. It is located between the anus and the genitals in the center of the perineum.

It is the chakra that roots us to our bodies and identifies the right of the person to exist and to have everything they need to survive. It is in fact connected to the state of consciousness of survival and is the seat of our primary needs, such as the need for food, for a safe and comfortable place to live, for economic security and for the stability of relationships.

When energy flows and the first chakra is open, we feel safe, protected, we plan our future with determination and live the present with serenity. The energy of the aforementioned chakra is channeled through the adrenal glands, two small glands located above each kidney. These secrete adrenaline if we feel threatened and activate the escape system, making the perception of danger clear. Today, unfortunately, our survival is closely linked to work and the economic situation.

…if the chakra is blocked

A blocked chakra is like a stopped, rusty gear, the consequence is the loss of the ability to manage money: spending a lot of it badly - think of the so-called people with holes in their hands - or not spending it at all, becoming stingy, greedy. Being under pressure from a financial point of view causes very strong stress that directly affects the adrenal glands which, sensing danger, will produce excessive amounts of adrenaline. As a result we could have weight problems, eating disorders, depression, low self-esteem, guilt, difficulty having interpersonal relationships.

…on a physical level

On a physical level, chakra blockage can lead to serious ailments: adrenal fatigue, problems with the spine, bones, joints, legs, feet, teeth, genital problems, intestinal problems, hemorrhoids, constipation.

I would like to point out that the chakras are not colored, but react and are nourished through the vibrations of colors, because colors are vibrations. Muladhara is connected to the vibration of red and black. Red represents instinct, the vital force, black is the color of internalization.

…if the chakra is functioning well

The characteristics of a perfectly balanced Root Chakra are a strong and determined feeling towards the beauty of life. The belief that our dreams will come true with ease and that we deserve so much abundance, security and prosperity in all aspects of our lives is rooted in us. This balanced situation is characterized by a sense of consecutiveness starting from the physical body that constitutes the foundation for all the other, higher chakras.

The Root Chakra is the source of our life force.

A balanced Root Chakra is essential for building the foundation of our lives and for focusing on our goals. It casts our anchor in the flow of life and is the basis for all our work.

A strong Root Chakra gives a positive approach and mindset towards life and fosters the awareness that unity with all creation is fundamental in our commitment to keeping this universe healthy.

When do you need Red energy?

Read the questions below and answer them. If you feel negative answers, it means that your emotional stability is compromised and this is reflected on all other planes (physical, mental, spiritual). Generally there is always a need for red energy, due to the fact that we use so much of it every single day.

Self check up – if the answer to 1 or more questions is no, you need to strengthen the chakra:

Do you feel that your family supports you in the choices and changes you have made in your life?

• Does your work support you and provide the quality of life you deserve?

• Do you like your house?

• Does the structure of your life allow you to enjoy your family, friends, and the things you have in your life?

• Do you feel confident?

• Is your life and home organized?

• Do you feel you have the right to make your dreams come true?


  • Build confidence and self-esteem. The Energy of RED gives inner strength, determination and confidence in yourself and your physical abilities. Nowadays, this is extremely important as fewer and fewer people feel comfortable in their bodies. Additionally, red is connected to your ability to be yourself (and say “no” to others).
  • Stimulate your love for life. If you need more passion, use the energy of RED in the bedroom too.
  • Nurture your physical strength and prevent illness from occurring. Use RED energy if you are fighting a cold and especially if you are often sick (physical ailments indicate that your RED energy is low).
  • Light your fire to keep going. Cold hands or feet indicate that the “oven” needs to be stoked. RED Energy is the body’s fuel that keeps your flames hot and alive. It is the energy that stimulates circulation that builds your driving force.

What can I use to increase my energy?

Every day you use up energy, to walk, to think, to play sports, to love and even to dream. In truth, every morning, you should do a quick check to see if your energy “tanks” are full enough to face the activities you have planned to do during the day, so that you never find yourself insecure and unprepared.

Below you can find two products, specially designed, absolutely effective, that you can use quickly in the morning, after the shower. Constant use will allow you to always feel full of energy, as the days go by you will feel fears, blocks, anxieties vanish, because the energy of color has the property of reprogramming cellular memories, dissolving everything that creates discomfort. You will also feel an improvement in your Love Relationships.

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