Oli essenziali codificati con l’energia dei colori

Color-Coded Energy Essential Oils

Based on the Chakra system

Essential oils are divided into two types.

The first ones, whose chemical molecules can be inhaled and penetrate our body through the skin.

The seconds are of vibrational type , which means that the odors they produce reach and act on us without the molecules reaching our nose.

Since aroma exists in vibrational form, all essential oils have their own subtle vibration that can be equated to a color.
And each color carries aromatherapeutic messages (a correlation that has long been recognized by ancient healing systems).
This is probably why We often associate a smell with a color and vice versa .

Sunlight is our greatest source of energy and within the sun's rays are the colorful energies of the rainbow.
Plants are nourished by the sun and capture the light rays, blocking their vital energy.
They take the vibrational pattern of light waves which, if properly preserved, nourish us with their essence encoded with the energy of color.
Essential oils contain vibratory elements, which are the true essence of the plant.

Color and aroma are an integral part of essential oils which thus become a means to introduce vibrational healing into our system.

On a vibrational level, different oils are similar to our body parts with which they are in natural resonance. The vibration of essential oils does not permeate our aura, but rather that of the chakra system and the network of meridians that connect various parts of our body and our organs.

Once you understand that essential oils resonate at a particular frequency, it will then be easier to choose an oil based on its healing power, because it is encoded with the energy of the color and therefore connected to the color itself.

The frequency of an essential oil is often attributed based on natural healing processes.
However, to make things simpler, we have all our essential oils are color coded with energy ( as well as other products ) based on the chakra system .

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