Aromatherapy with essential oils
Prevention and support for the treatment of COVID-19
Essential oils are excellent in preventing and supporting the treatment of COVID-19.
Making the most of our immune system and choosing what can support it most effectively is essential at this time.
We believe that the use of essential oils represents an important possibility precisely because of the studies carried out to date, albeit for other medical situations, but which have great affinity with the current one.
The importance of aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is a practice that falls within the scope of phytotherapy.
Use essential oils to maintain physical and mental well-being or treat psycho-physical disorders.
“ An essential oil is a mixture of odorous organic substances present in plants ,” explains Giancarlo Rossello, naturopath and beautician in Savona.
Their aroma reaches the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that connects the nervous system with the endocrine system, via olfactory receptors.
This mechanism of action explains how an essential oil is effective in various problems. In the human body, a bit like in an orchestra, everything must vibrate harmoniously.
Essential oils help rebalance situations where vibrations are out of tune, due to anxiety, stress, inflammation or infections.
Energetic and symbolic aspects of essential oils
When you extract essential oil from a plant, you are not just isolating a mixture of biochemically defined active ingredients.
In a certain sense, it also represents the soul, the “personality” of the plant, freed from material aspects.
The essential oil constitutes the most “subtle” and purified component of the plant, which, freed from the heavier matter, is able to convey the underlying “intelligence” scheme, that is, that baggage of information that can reach man and interact with him, not only on the physical-organic level, but which is also able to influence his most subtle nature.
The soul of the plant, in this sense, would exert its influence on the human soul.
Each plant has its own particular imprint or energy and can offer something unique, communicating information that in the human information-energetic system may be lacking or dystonic.
These concepts are based on a “holistic” vision: holos in Greek means the whole, the entire, the unity of the parts.
Holistic medicine considers the human being as a complex unit, as a center of consciousness that manifests itself in multiple dimensions, from the physical to the spiritual, in a unitary field of information.
Every living organism can therefore be understood as a unit in continuous processing and transmission of information (DNA, RNA, enzymes) which imply an intelligent purpose and a global awareness of the system.
Every pathological form is due to a “communication” problem within the network.
If the unit as a whole can find solutions, it survives.
If there are no solutions, the unit “dies” and the network dissolves.
The entire planet would behave like a gigantic living organism, intelligent and self-balancing, a sort of great consciousness – Gaia or Gea (the goddess of the Earth) – a global brain made up of all living organisms on the planet and in which every single human being would represent a neuron, a key element of this living intelligence.
It is the Gaia hypothesis, proposed in the 1990s by researcher James Lovelock and experimentally verified by numerous scientists.
We find a resonance and a correspondence between this scientific hypothesis and the ancient conception of the world that sees man-microcosm as a mirror and faithful image of the universe-macrocosm.
This conception operates with a way of thinking governed not by the logical criterion of cause and effect, but by the “analogical-symbolic” one, which reveals the connections between subjects through equivalences and meanings: it is the “law of resonance” that unites similar things and which is at the root of every harmonious phenomenon of existence.