Oli essenziali e Colour Therapy

Essential Oils and Colour Therapy

A winning combination

When the purity of nature unites with the strength of light.

Essential oils are natural remedies that have specific beneficial properties (scientifically proven) and each oil or blend of oils is effective for different therapeutic purposes.

They are used as painkillers, healing agents, stimulators, rebalancing agents, anti-inflammatories, antiseptics, expectorants.

They promote the balance of the immune system, are excellent for skin care, for digestive, cardiocirculatory and cardiovascular problems, and are helpful in rebalancing vital energy and for the functionality of the organs (lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, etc.).
Essential oils are also useful for regulating metabolic activity and act as stimulants or inhibitors of the endocrine system.

Colour Therapy

To understand why Colour Therapy works, it is necessary to make some premises, defining the universal principles on which it is based:

  • the main source of life is Color, which is an electromagnetic frequency;
  • we experience Emotions…in relation to electromagnetic frequencies;
  • the brain is organized in such a way as to perceive the various frequencies precisely, through the Reptilian Brain in a totally instinctive way, and the interaction occurs through electromagnetic waves without any possibility of intervention by the other areas of the brain, that is, the most modern, rational and evolved parts;
  • This has many physical and especially psychological implications… look at the diagram below to understand the process:

If you have understood the scheme well, now instead of asking yourself the question, but will Colour Therapy work, you could ask yourself exactly the opposite: why haven't I tried it until now?

Our History

When we designed our oil lines over ten years ago, we wanted something that went beyond the classic benefits of essential oils, we wanted to have remedies available that would allow people to speed up the healing process and we knew that the combination of two great forces such as the purity of nature and light would provide us with winning solutions.

Relief from specific symptoms, such as weak bones, weak muscles, headaches, menstrual cramps, digestive difficulties, rosacea, scars, bruises and joint pain, etc…
We wanted to create soothing oils on a natural basis that could be used even for long periods, without contraindications.
Our pharmacists and laboratories have worked for years to perfect these synergistic blends of essential oils encoded on the vibration of color.

Today the Harmony line consists of 7 effective blends that contain 30% pure essential oils diluted in Jojoba oil, which makes them ready to use. Each of them is associated with a color. Thanks to the convenient roll-on applicator, they can be applied directly to the areas of the body that need to be treated. All the blends have delicate fragrances and use very pure essential oils. They act in less than 12 seconds on the human body... that is to say at the speed of light!

These are some of the blends available:

  1. Red Blend – What Energy – Gives strength to bones and muscles and soothes pain
  2. Green Blend – Peace & Harmony – Relaxing and soothing balm for coughs and colds.
  3. Blue Blend – Relax & Regenerate – Relieves menstrual pain and muscle tension
  4. Indigo Blend – Mind & Refresh – Soothing for headaches and neck muscle tension
  5. Turquoise Blend – Balance Booster – Strengthens the immune system (colds, coughs, allergies)
  6. Tricolour Mix – Calm & Cool – Balm for bruises, contusions, swellings and sprains.

If you need advice contact us at 3519154133, the consultation is free.

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