Come usare l’energia dei Colori nella quotidianità

How to use the energy of Colors in everyday life

You feel a pleasant attraction towards the Colors ?

If this happens to you too it's because Your body needs light , it needs to recharge its energy and it gives you directions through emotions.

That's why we have prepared for you a short vademecum , so that you can begin to correctly interpret the signals that are sent to you.
Whether they come from your body, your mind or your emotions, they all have the same meaning that you need to fill your energy tanks .

We know that the world out there has never accustomed us to think of ourselves in terms of energy.
And it's quite unlikely, considering that science has proven that human beings are made up of 99.999% of it!

Start thinking about yourself differently and you will find that many things you thought were impossible are now possible .

Our advice

The red energy found in beet sugar and liver strengthens the blood and blue circles under the eyes disappear .

You need orange energy if your flexibility and enthusiasm for life are gone.
Orange energy restores your vitality and helps you enjoy life “ in the here and now .

Yellow energy brings back the brightness inside your eyes, which are the mirror of your soul.
If you have a lot of positive yellow energy, you will see the right path around you.

Green energy helps you when your smile is tight, and your lips too.
When green energy flows in your heart, you make others and yourself happy , and your smile is for the whole world.

If your head is confused, everything is buzzing, you need blue energy.
Blue energy gives you focus, clarity and control over your thoughts and actions .

If you feel alone, or no one really understands you, then you need indac energy , which makes you feel like you are a part of this universe .
Everything around you has a soul, and you can connect with plants, animals, etc…

Ask for help from purple energy when the days seem too long and life seems monotonous and difficult to live.
Purple energy gives you inspiration and makes you feel like a truly unique and special being , as you truly are.

If your immune system has weakened and your lymphatic system is struggling to rid your body of waste, it's time to ask for help from the turquoise energy, which is responsible for making you strong and healthy .

Pink is the anti-aging color par excellence, it is a vibration of Divine Love regenerating for the whole body , starting from the most important point inside you, the soul. The regenerative power of this color is immense as well as its healing power.

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