Essence Awaken Love - Regaining Trust After Abandonment, Betrayal or Affective Disappointment

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If you have had a disappointment, but feel you deserve a fresh start, this essence is the perfect help for you.

Awaken Love was created to make room in your heart for a new season of life and love, because the most beautiful love is the one that awakens the soul and makes us want to reach higher.

Through a harmonious combination of crystals, essential oils and flower essences, Awaken Love creates a bridge between your heart and emotional intelligence, promoting a quantum leap in the frequency of trust .


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Heart Healing Essence – Awaken Love – Regain Trust After Abandonment, Betrayal or Affective Disappointment

When the heart is wounded by abandonment, betrayal or emotional disappointments, it may seem difficult to regain trust in yourself and others. However, this healing journey is also an opportunity to rediscover your inner strength and reopen your heart to love.

If you have experienced abandonment, betrayal or emotional disappointment,the essenceAwaken the Lovewas created to support you in your healing process and to awaken the true love within you. This vibrational blend dissolves fear and opens the heart, allowing you to make room for love and acceptance.

The end of a relationship can be truly devastating, especially when it leaves you there alone on the dock of life, wondering what went wrong.

Awaken the Lovehelps you overcome emotional pain by expanding your heart and awakening your true potential to love. It dissolves feelings of separation, promotes greater connection with yourself and others, and helps you renew your trust in relationships.

Promoting calm and self-esteem, this essence activates the thymus gland, which plays an important role in overcoming stress and emotional pain. When you feel balanced and harmonious, the love you radiate is reflected in your relationships, your community, and the world around you.

Theredisappointment in love translates into disappointment in lifeand brings with it the fear of not having the strength to move on, the need to protect, fleeing from love, a heart that doesn't seem able to bear the pain caused by a partner who slams the door and leaves.

But this is exactly what I want to focus on:give you the tools to learn how to overcome disappointments and restore strength and confidence in life and love.

In every friendship or romantic relationship we experience we can run the risk of being disappointed by the other, but we also have the opportunity toto know something more about ourselves.

This essence supports the heart's energy field, infusing a clear, loving vibration that awakens the soul, making you want to reach higher and bringing peace to your mind.

Awaken Love helps you RETUNE to the frequency of life and consequently of love. Emotions never grow old, they simply fall asleep under disappointments, sadness and false beliefs. Awaken Love helps you dissolve fears and disappointments. It allows you to feel your Heart young and full of Vitality. It helps you overcome the ego, and appreciate others, while you appreciate yourself.

Namaste: The love in me honors the love in you.

Answer these questions to understand if this is the essence for you: (if your answer is no, you need it)

  • Are you generous towards yourself and others?
  • Do you handle stressful situations with ease?
  • Do you recognize beauty and vitality in yourself and others?
  • Can you compromise?
  • Do you take time to stop and smell the roses?
  • Are you struggling to stay in touch with yourself?
  • Do you appreciate yourself?


Why does Awaken Love work?

The Awakening Love essence supports you if you want to leave your home and your native family to enter a new life built with your partner. It helps the realization of new ideas and to undertake new beginnings. It helps you to awaken enthusiasm and vitality, embracing sexuality, the sense of Self and to express emotions without reservations. It expands sensitivity and loving-kindness within oneself and towards others.

Awaken Love represents a new beginning, towards a serene and fulfilling life, a leap towards the 4th dimension where love exists and is no longer a chimera.

How does it work on a physical level?

The essence opens the bridge between the Heart and the Indigo Emotional Intelligence governed by the Pineal Gland, the Third Eye Chakra and the Celestial Body allowing you to make a leap on the frequency of the C# chord. This chord regulates your vital state, frees the emotional energies that slow down the functioning of the lumbar area, the ovaries, the prostate, the uterus, the testicles, the bladder and the kidneys.

What are the ingredients?
The product has been structured by combining the frequencies from the tuning fork and crystal bubbles with the deep knowledge of homeopathy, color, crystals and gems, sacred geometry, flower essences and aromatherapy; all to create a perfect blend for each of the 5 energy levels.

Crystals: Amethyst, Gold, Rose Quartz

Essences: Fireweed, Goatbeard, Harvest Lily, Peace Dove, Peace Fairy

Essence essential oils: blue chamomile, lavender, mandarin, patchouli, sweet orange, ylang ylang


Main benefits:

  • Healing and Compassion of the Heart:
    ThePink Ocean Gold, represents a loving and nourishing embrace that promotes healing through the heart, allowing one to experience compassion and wisdom.
  • Inner Calm and Spiritual Understanding:
    Theindigo colorIt brings serenity and mental clarity, promoting peace and strengthening intuition. It helps heal the senses and promote connection with one's spirituality.
  • Stability and Unconditional Love:
    Therose quartz, the stone of gentle love, heals emotional wounds and promotes self-love, empathy and patience. Thegold, symbol of divinity, purifies and transmits divine love, while theamethysthelps stabilize and amplify the energy of love, facilitating the release of negative energies.
  • Overcoming Separation and Awakening Love:
    Flower essences such asFireweeddissolve feelings of separation, awakening the love that is always available within us.Harvest Lilyexpands understanding and connection with others, whilegoatsbeardpromotes a state of deep relaxation.
  • Peace and Presence in the Moment:
    TherePeace Dovesymbolizes the simplicity and beauty of life, bringing peace to the mind and helping you live in the present with serenity.
  • Relaxation and Emotional Renewal:
    Theessential oilsOfblue chamomile,lavender, Andmandarinwork together to reduce stress and promote inner peace, bringing lightness and joy into your life.PatchouliAndsweet orangethey root you and give happiness and serenity to the heart, whileylang-ylangsupports self-love and connection with others.

In short, the essence“Awakening of Love”It is a powerful tool for emotional healing, reconnecting with authentic love, and expanding spiritual awareness, helping you live a life filled with love, serenity, and deep connections.


Perfect for those who wish to overcome the wounds of the past and open themselves up to love again,Awaken the Loveaccompanies you on the path towards a more harmonious life full of deep relationships.

How to use

60 ml spray format with delicate fragrance:
Spray the essence with 4/5 sprays, 10 cm above the head, 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Keep away from heat sources and electronic devices (TV, cell, PC).
For external use only. Not suitable for children under 5 years.

The Essences of the Heart

Start your Heart Healing journey NOW, starting with the essence that you think is most suitable for you, but don't forget to use them all progressively, because love is made of 7 distinct colors, but all together they CREATE LIGHT.

Essences are fast and effective in bringing desired results. Many emotional distresses are due to an imbalance in the energy system. Essences are a valid aid in getting out of thought forms that prevent you from living well. Vibrational remedies bring you into the flow of where you want to go because the vibration of sound can instantly shift your frequency.

Have you ever noticed that when you FEEL GOOD… GOOD things happen to you?

What seemed impossible yesterday is possible today. AWAKEN your creative power and fill your future with Color.

The essences are in line with the findings of Bruce Lipton, according to whichBy improving the frequency field of the environment, balanced health can be achieved.

Essenze del Cuore won the international award for best Visionary Product!