Connect yourself with your source, support your decision-making process and manifest abundance!
The Essence of Meridian Sound Yin / Yang balances both elements and helps you to make decisions without perplexity or self-discrimination.
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Success and Support to Express Abundance
Focus on yourself and answer these questions. Find out if your meridian is in balance:
• Are you showing abundance?
• Can you easily make decisions?
• Are you aware of your knowledge?
• Are you connected to your source?
• Do you exercise your free will?
If you have answered no to some of these questions, you need to act to balance your meridian!
The Essence of Meridian Sound Yin / Yang physically supports the vertebral column, the brain, the central nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, the skeletal system and the hormonal system.
You can never fully experience joy if you never completely experience pain: the balance between the two elements YIN and YANG is essential for your well-being.
Yin Conception Vase
The Meridian Conception Vessel governs all the other meridians. It supports awareness and connects you with your source. The essence of the Conception Vase helps you to revive sexuality, the ability to procreate and to know your place, manifesting abundance.
Yang Governor Vase
The Governor jar meridian supports the subconscious. Free will is the first and greatest gift we can receive. The essence with sounds produces the improvement or balance of this meridian and activates your decision-making ability.
The Essence of Meridian Sound Yin / Yang balances both elements and helps you to make decisions without perplexity or self-discrimination. You can easily monitor and synchronize your movements and emotions with the rhythm and flow of your life.
What are the essences with Sounds for Revitalizing Meridiani
The use of the Revitalizing Essences of the Meridians generates magical effects when used on the dualistic nature of the meridians. The Essences with Meridian Sounds support the physical aspect of the meridian through the vibration of the subtle energies of the herbs and support the etheric aspect with the vibration of the sound.
Type: alchemical essence spray
Fragrance: lightly scented
Instructions for use: to use the Essences with Sounds for Meridians, simply spray around yourself once or twice a day for the benefits to fall on the body. Use for at least 21 days.
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