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Professional counseling 50min


Liberati dai tuoi blocchi emotivi per sempre e porta la tua vita a un livello superiore, una volta per tutte

✔︎ Sessione di controllo generale della durata di 50 minuti
✔︎ Colloquio via telefono o via Zoom
✔︎ 1 sessione di controllo a seguire gratuite da 15 min


Professional personal energy check-up counseling – live consultation

Get rid of your emotional blocks forever and take your life to the next level!

Emotional blocks take a huge toll on your personal life; they keep you from finding your real economic independence, from living the love relationship you desire, and prevent you from feeling fulfilled and happy. Most of all, they prevent your mind from thinking properly.

Everyone has his or her own personal story, and during this session we will go together to find out what your real energy blocks are and I will propose solutions to achieve them as quickly as possible. All our emotional memories are fixed in the body, which never forgets anything, so action on the energy systems is of paramount importance, and it is the fastest process. Once the memories are released, you will feel more vital and the mind will be free to use more correct and visionary thought forms.

In our studies and over 30 years of experience in human potential development, we have seen that emotional healing is the result of energy realignment coupled with coaching allow the development of empowering thought forms to replace depowering ones. Conceptually, it’s like “tuning” an instrument affnder to emit sublime music, only that instrument is you. Energy balancing redefines thought patterns, and restores positive emotional strength to you.

You can request counseling on the following topics: emotional imbalances, relationship problems

How the session is conducted

The session is conducted by phone or on the web via the Zoom platform and consists of:

– completion of introductory orientation questionnaire
– analysis of energy levels 5 planes: physical, emotional, mental, heart, holographic (karma and past)
– individual Coaching session
– definition and delivery of personal emotional unlocking color pathway

Who you will do the counseling session with

Iliana Manfredi – Creator, founder of Ailight® Colors and Sounds- Color Energy School – Colour Therapist, Chromotherapist, Holistic Practitioner, Soul Coach, Business Coach, expert in Chromodisciplines.
Iliana is a true expert in the field. In more than 30 years of practice, she has helped hundreds of people develop their potential, unleashing creativity at all levels, creating high impact training and wellness pathways.

How to schedule your appointment

You will be contacted to schedule your appointment.

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