by Iliana Manfredi
Essential oils have a high curative power and when you extract the oil from plants, you do not extract only a mixture of active ingredients defined by the biochemical point of view: it represents in a certain sense also the “soul”, the “personality” of the plant, freed from the material aspects.
by Iliana Manfredi
Essential oils have a high curative power and when you extract the oil from plants, you do not extract only a mixture of active ingredients defined by the biochemical point of view: it represents the “soul”, the “personality” of the plant, freed from the material aspects.
Each plant has its own particular imprint or energy and can offer something unique, communicating information that in the human information-energy system may be lacking or dystonic. These concepts are based on a “holistic” vision: holos in Greek means the whole, the whole, the unity of the parts.
In the book you can expand your knowledge of aromatherapy and colors, learn about their characteristics, benefits and how to use them in your daily life to increase your level of well-being, your energy and improve your mood.
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Book composed of 98 pages only in Italian.
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