Explore Yourself and Create Your Image
The colors that help you grow, evolve and create your image: AWARE, UNIQUE, UNREPEATABLE !
“When the mind is filled with light, it reveals the way to happiness” (Iliana Manfredi).
Available in Italian – English
Author: Iliana Manfredi
The colors that help you grow, evolve and create your image: AWARE, UNIQUE, IRREPETIBLE!
You will soon realize that colors are living beings, well integrated with the whole world. Colors are the inhabitants of space and it is only thanks to them that we can represent ourselves in the external reality. They are connected with our emotions, the driving forces of our being. Colors are among the greatest means to restore the optimal vital state of body, mind and spirit.
This practical, comfortable, pleasant Test allows you to discover which are the “Friendly” Colors that make you feel good and increase your vital energy.
By following the steps of this test, you will also discover how to “HATE” colors in your clothing, as a color in your hair and in your life in general.
The test is available to everyone… but if you’re curious to learn more, you can attend one of the Color School courses to learn more about the incredible World of Colors and the science they manifest.
Professionals working in the following sectors will find special benefits in using the test: wellness centers, hairdressers, hair stylists, image consultants, color coaches, color consultants and anyone who wants to start discovering how colors lead you on the path to happiness.
The test is composed of: a deck of cards composed of 15 colors – a board to arrange the cards – a 25×25 cm book with the color test and explanations to perform the test.
This test is based on chromopsychology and is the result of research and studies carried out at an international level by Iliana Manfredi, founder of the Color School in over 30 years of activity. The mentors and sources of information are among the most qualified at the international level.
About the Author
Iliana Manfredi
Creator, founder of Ailight® Colors and Sounds – School of Color Energy
Iliana is a true expert in the field. In over 30 years of activity she has helped hundreds of people to develop their potential, freeing creativity at all levels, creating training and wellness paths with a very high impact.
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