How does love develop within ourselves?
Love is the larger emotional field that drives our lives. A very important issue in the life of each of us, on which depends success and happiness. Why do betrayals, infidelities and lies exist? What is their origin?
The emotions we experience have different colors that speak to our soul with different shades. And it is through this extraordinary journey that we can say I KNOW ME!
Discover all the colors of emotions and open yourself to new possibilities
Colors and emotions that transform into a life in color; don’t miss this opportunity.
Colors, emotions, the books that turn into a life in color
by Iliana Manfredi – 160 pages
Love is a multicolored set of emotions, discover it through the pages of this book and use your Heart essence to open yourself to the most beautiful emotions together with the person you love.
Making love is an Art and through the pages of this book you will find many suggestions to know yourself better and make your relationship alive and brilliant. It does not change whether you are straight or homo. Love is a colorful language just like color and you will discover that there is not just one way to love, but there are seven different ways that will make your life alive and bright. Living in Color is possible, start from the most pleasant side, love!
The book is a multi-sensory journey, going through 4 fundamental stages of life, the most important periods – The child from 0-6 years old – the kid 7-14 years old – the teenager 14-21 years old and then the adult over 21 years old. Our ability to love in adulthood is given by the experience of the first 3 stages. Who are you? How have you lived? adolescence is the most delicate and important period that determines your ability to love!
Through the pages of this book you will discover how to make your relationships alive and exciting every single day of your life. You will discover the 7 Arts of Love in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual variants.
You will understand who is the perfect partner for you, because you can choose only some combinations, while with the others you will have no affinity.
Start with the love test – Love Test – and you will discover how your power to love works.
The Colorful Language of Love is something you’ve never thought of and will forever change your thinking about physical, mental and spiritual Love and the success you can achieve in life.
ISBN 979-12-200-2413-6 only in Italian
Author notes
Iliana Manfredi
Creator, founder of Ailight® Colors and Sounds – School on the Energy of Color – Iliana is a true expert on the subject. In over 30 years of activity she has helped hundreds of people to develop their potential, freeing creativity at all levels, creating training and wellness paths with a very high impact.
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