Aura Cleanser- Alchemy Essence – 7th dimension vibrational remedy
Aura Cleanser
is a highly effective patterned recipe formulated to erase negativity from in and around us on many distinct energy levels.
This Essence was especially created to help to neutralize and cleanse areas where it is sprayed. This powerful spray Essence encourages energetic responses from your multiple levels of consciousness, clearing any negative threat, psychic or otherwise.
Aura Cleanser is a great ghost buster! It also helps to heal damaged human electromagnetic energy fields (auras that have holes), caused by destructive frequencies (from cell phones, computers, etc.) and can help prevent or alleviate serious imbalances.
Aura Cleanser can be used very simply by spraying directly above one’s head or in a room to clear the energy! Great to use in therapy treatments and offices. It can also be used to clean and clear crystals; and it can be used instead of a smoke treatment such as smudging or incense. Use it to clean your work or home space to prevent any negativity from entering your energy field (makes a great personal Feng Shui tool). Therapists should be aware that each client leaves behind some energy, which often is not positive, in your treatment room. You should spray your space with Aura Cleanser after every session to maintain a “clean” positive area.
Aura Cleanser has been created by the alchimist Antony Cooper.
Type: Alchemy vibrational remedy
Fragrance: odorless – no fragrance
Size: 250ml spray
The Aura Cleanser contains the vital energy of special oils and herbs, and is charged with the energy vibration of the crystals and other frequencies. Thanks to its high vibrational power, it is scheduled to dissolve the negative energy in the auric field on many levels and to attract high-frequency energy. It helps to restructure the aura that has holes caused by electromagnetic frequencies from cell phones, computers or other electronic devices, leaving a pleasant feeling of well being, renewed energy, clarity and optimism, that the negative energies routinely destroy.
Ingredients: Water, brandy, Lavender, sandalwood east indian, sandalwood Australian, holy basil, clary sage, frankincense, geranium and boronia.
Make your Aura shine with Aura Cleanser!
Mist it over your head and into the surrounding environment, use it during the day, because it removes electromagnetic pollution generated by mobile phones and computers.
Use it at home, vaporizing the product in any environment, Aura Cleanser elevates the energy field of the house thus creating a more peaceful and harmonious atmosphere.
Excellent tool for masseurs, doctors, therapists, to be used by vaporizing it over the people’s head and in the environment. With Aura Cleanser each treatment will be in his best manner. Great for the cleansing of the therapist himself. For gems and crystals, spray the product directly onto the glass.
• The Essence Aura Cleanser can be used whenever it is deemed necessary.
• The instructions and information provided are not intended to replace any medical treatment.
• Protocols usage refer to the book “The Cosmic Colour Code” written by Antony Cooper.
• What is reported it is due to knowledge of oriental disciplines and to notions of vibrational medicine.
• For external use.
Energetic Cleaner for the person and the environment to eliminate negativity
Aura Cleanser is almost considered to be a universal agent; it cleans and helps toward a lot of turbidity, and is helpful for many unnecessary and obstructive complaints.Your aura, which is an electromagnetic field that lies like a movable layer around your body, as well as the strength, thickness and energy, are dependent upon your energy levels. It can not be measured scientifically, but scientists are probably aware of it. Most living beings know about this field around people; but the people themselves understand little of this, because most people can neither “see” or “feel” what they physically can not see. But animals feel it, and a good deal of people feel it. They “feel” it because this electromagnetic field is like a living shield of vibrating and rolling energies. Those who “see” this, see it as different colours. Those who “feel” it, feel it as waves; and what they feel is stinging and tingling or gives them shivers, or warmth, or a feeling of immediate calmness and joy.
We create our thoughts
These vibrating, or rolling forms for communication and information, are created by our thoughts. All of our thoughts are immediately translated to codes, as thoughts do not disappear. They have been thought and they have their own energy form, and they follow you and reside in things around you, in the objects that you use a lot. In rooms that you use a lot, they usually end up in the corners of the ceiling, or they start to reside in the objects that you already have that have little or low energy. And they will continue to reside there, unless you know their code. You can learn the code, as you create the “antidote” in the same way that you created the thought.
Getting rid of the influence of other people negative thoughts?
When it comes to the thought-influences of others, it is difficult for you to remove them. Because if a person has had a bad day and perhaps visited a training studio, a hairdresser, a masseur, or been on a private visit, then they have probably already gotten rid of a good deal of what we call “negative aura thoughts.” These thoughts are left like thought-dust, an “electro-smog,” a kind of fog of negative dust that a person now has either trained or talked themselves away from and changed to a more positive attitude; something that both a nice visit or a masseur can help with. The person has recoded their energy; but you are left with the fog dust, and that can actually make you uncomfortable.
Others’s negative thoughts
There can also be people whose thoughts about you are less good, they don’t wish you well, and it neither feels nor seems good for your body. Are you strong, you can block out these negative impacts via your aura. The evil thoughts can not break through an aura that is strong and whole; but they can if it is weak, as it often is after a sickness, or after difficult situations in life, or because of a total lack of understanding of the fact that we are more than one person: we are seven. In that case, some of your other colour energies will have been poorly maintained; and then negative-thought enemies will be let in and infiltrate your aura, and begin their work to weaken you.
Knowing the Aura
Understanding about your aura is important; because when poorly kept, it can give you strange disease manifestations. It can actually expose your health for many kinds of defeat, that shouldn’t be necessary. But help can be found for the aura of others. You have to learn more about your own, and also learn how your positive attitude will give you a beautiful and strong aura.
When to use Aura Cleanser?
At work
Aura Cleanser cleanses away irrelevant thoughts that don’t concern you; and it removes the thought-fog of others, and often makes the air around your aura free for enemies. It is ideal in all work situations. Think about an argument at a meeting, where one leaves the room to get some fresh air, because one must think better; while in the meeting room, there is a cloud of thought-fog that so absolutely needs to be “killed.” And remember: good, positive thoughts create good energies. Use Aura Cleanser and spray away unwanted, negative thoughts.
In travel with you
Bring Aura Cleanser when you go to public places or places where other people have stayed before you. Be sure to always have clean energy around you.
For masseurs and therapists
All masseurs should think about the next person, who now will lay down amid the negative thought-fog, should come to a newly-cleansed treatment bench. The goal of the treatment of the last customer was to remove the negative patterns that hindered the body to be well. That is all well and good, but just don’t let the next person lay down and bathe his aura in other people’s thought-garbage.
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