Consigli per il bagno con Acqua di colore VERDE

Bathing Tips with GREEN Water

Diving into GREEN water is like jumping naked into nature. The Color GREEN has a liberating flow of energy that allows us to feel like children again, as if we were naked and new in the Garden of Eden waiting to wait for the pipe to open.

It seems difficult to lie to yourself in this GREEN environment, the word opens up in your mind and you feel like lying on a river of GREEN water, which runs along the Amazon River. Such a journey is beneficial for the body, you appreciate the cleansing, especially if you take this bath before going to bed. Then you almost feel like jumping into the third phase of the sleep process, because a lot of the initial work has already been done in the GREEN bath.

If you have had a tiring day and emotional events have occurred that you have not resolved, take a green bath and it will be like having seen a therapist. Talk out loud about your problems, to the entire surface of the green water and watch how the water absorbs the vibrations that the thoughts have triggered. The event has not disappeared, but you can get rid of the personal acid that you have accumulated.
GREEN energy is a good friend, and when the principle of love reigns you will never have to pretend, retreat or add anything, to be in balance with GREEN energy. GREEN energy takes care of you when you enter GREEN water, and it is like coming home.

Bathroom Tips
If you feel misunderstood, forgotten and perhaps neglected, take a nice GREEN bath. You may also feel like you are missing something, that something is missing, or simply feel like you need a hand, and in this case too, the GREEN bath is good for you. Or maybe you just need to rest, feel your body, need peace and quiet, and the green bath is truly benevolent.

When you pour the GREEN liquid into the water, think about nature, how you want to be welcomed and create the color tone with this thought. Once you are more used to immersing yourself in colors, you can add Blue Color Water into the water to obtain a Blue/Green color and the color obtained will have a different meaning, and if you want a more Yellow/Green color you will obtain a completely different meaning. Colors are like moods, but you have to learn about the primary colors before you become a master of color. We will write more about the color mixes you can experiment with soon.

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