Consigli per un bagno con Acqua di colore ROSSO

Tips for a bath with RED water

1st step.. action

Take a bath with RED water is the conscious experience of getting in touch with something essential. When you choose to take a RED bath, it means you want to get in touch with something you need.

The feeling of entering a bathtub full of RED color it's a big challenge. (You can also choose to do a foot bath or hand bath.) It's almost impossible to look at the colored water RED without feeling your heartbeat. Before getting into the tub, you may also feel like you have to make an important decision. After all, this is the typical reaction you have to the color RED , so DO IT!

2nd step.. become aware

But now, what we really recommend you do, before you dive into the color RED, is to stop and think:

What do I really want to happen?
What do I want?
What do I need to make things happen?

3rd step.. set the intent

Once you find the answer, your body will prepare for what is about to happen.
In this way you will have clarified your mind and you will be able to enter into deep harmony with the color RED . While you relax in the RED water, close your eyes and listen with your whole body to the impact of the color RED .

Let the color RED enter your body by absorbing and inhaling it. As you inhale and exhale, let the color also enter and exit. This is exactly what blood does when it passes through the lungs, carrying oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Keep in mind that the properties of the color RED affect the entire organism, giving you a renewed peace and strength…

Do not stay in RED water longer than you can tolerate, as the energy emanating from the color RED is very strong and absorbing too much of it could cause unpleasant effects.

Teach yourself to feel and remember without overdoing it…because enough is enough.

Over time, when you have learned what the energy of the color RED consists of, you will only have to think “ RED ” and your body will understand what you want, it is up to you to learn the language of color and start communicating with your body. Remember that everything depends on the type of energy you need and want to receive. This is the principle of the Intelligence of the color RED , use your mental faculties to choose and then DO IT ! What you choose tells something about you and your choice.

Bathroom Tips

When you pour RED colored Water into the water, think, then, about what you want.

What you want, do you want it with all your heart or just a little? It's your choice. But if you choose to immerse yourself in a deep red color, it's important to do it with a purpose, since it's the color of will. It's actually the bath of will, a bath to clear your mind. The color RED will give you the strength to make a decision, so set your intention!

It is no coincidence that DO IT is the slogan of RED energy.

Red is a friendly color that helps us a lot, however be aware that there is a very strong power in red energy. Immerse yourself in the color Red as many times as you want for 10-15 minutes. If you suffer from heart disease or hypertension, do not use red, but use the color Pink. Small children should not bathe in red water, but Pink is preferable. Immerse yourself in the color Red during the day, avoid the evening.

Essential Oils for the Bath

To create an aromatherapy effect, add 5/6 drops of Colour Chakra Red or Harmony Rosso Ch'ì Energy , the same color as the bath to create a greater synergistic effect, or a different color to create different energetic combinations.

Ylang Ylang essential oil can lower blood pressure, calm the heart and relax. It has a positive effect on fear. It is also a sexual stimulant.

In the winter you can combine it with the Green Colour Chakra, or the Green and Turquoise colour oils from the Harmony line, it is an excellent natural remedy to strengthen the immune system and fight colds and flu.

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