Meridiano Fuoco Sovrano

Sovereign Fire Meridian

Just a laugh is enough to express what is in your heart!

Laughing doesn't mean being frivolous!

Laughing is a fantastic human ability, innate in each of us, even if, sometimes, we forget its importance. Scientific studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect that a healthy laugh can have on the brain and the entire organism.

“Laughter” is considered by society as an act exclusively for moments of play and leisure and considers in an excessively positive way seriousness and the predisposition to live in an exaggeratedly composed way.
It's just a cliché: seriousness is thought to be synonymous with consistency, reliability and responsibility, while cheerfulness is often confused with excessive light-heartedness and superficiality.
Knowing how to laugh even in tense situations, making light of the situation and lightening the emotional load, is a precious quality that allows you to be flexible and see the world from a different, more positive point of view.
Nowadays it happens that it is difficult to find many situations to laugh about but, precisely because it is less easy than usual for a laugh to come spontaneously to you, you will have to start cultivating situations as a precious asset, leaving pessimism aside.
Laughing is an act of emotional response to an external stimulus, it represents surprise, joy and excitement. Physically, the rhythm of breathing changes, the teeth are exposed, the eyes become moist and, as a good article from the BBC writes, a lot of strange primitive noises are emitted.
Joy, or the lack thereof, are the emotions that have the greatest effect on the Fire element. When the Heart Meridian is well balanced and functioning, it will be easier to experience joy in your life.
Eastern philosophy suggests that the heart is the master of the voice, that is, it controls its use by influencing it according to the emotional state. Joy in the voice feels like laughter in the background, the same goes for all types of emotions.

What is the Sovereign Fire Meridian for?

In the Theory of the Five Elements, Fire is made up of 4 meridians divided into Sovereign Fire and Minister Fire.
The Sovereign Fire Meridian is associated with the Heart Meridian and the Small Intestine Meridian. The sound associated with this element is laughter.
Why is it important to keep it in balance?
If the heart energy is weak, heart problems, palpitations, anxiety or general tiredness may occur.
The small intestine also plays a fundamental role as it is responsible for taking the nutritional part of food making it available to the bloodstream. The symptoms of a weak small intestine translate into states of anxiety, excessive control of emotions by the brain, lack of joy, pessimism and sadness. Physically you can run into problems of chronic constipation or diarrhea. Having this meridian full of health and vitality allows you to approach life with joy, releasing feelings and living them fully.

The benefits that the Vibrational Alchemical Essence Element Sovereign Fire brings:

  • Heart – Transmits knowledge
    The heart is an electrically operated pump, electrical fibrillations are easily interrupted, the essence is intended to regulate and strengthen the tissues and electrical conductivity in the Heart.
  • Small Intestine – Beneficial Assimilation
    The Small Intestine Meridian Sound Essence will create an interface that allows only information that is beneficial to be assimilated; it acts as an intelligently discerning filter or grid, constantly opening and closing to ideas, emotions or food.
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