Come sono fatti i Prodotti

How the Products are made

We like to call our products “Color Tools” because they help you access the energy of color.

Ailight Official

Color Water is composed of non-toxic organic substances, and the color pigments are formed from the elements of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. When these elements mix together we can visualize the color (similar to the rainbow). The typical color assumed by the various dyes is due to the absorption of a specific wavelength in the visible spectrum, linked to the existence of a conjugated system that favors the delocalization of electrons.

Color Water is made of pure filtered water, coconut oil glycerin and colors approved by the European Union. The color bath is made of high quality raw materials and does not contain products of animal origin, metals, chemicals, coal or petroleum. The product does not contain chemical colors but only organic colors.

All essential oils are certified and of the highest quality.

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