When you choose GREEN energy it is because you want to feel love and friendship and you feel the need to belong to something or someone. This desire is essential for people, because without something to love and feel loved, life becomes banal and cold.

Go into the green of nature, because in a gray concrete jungle it is difficult to find peace. But there are many small measures that you can implement, to keep the faith that one day you will find someone to give your care and your love.

Because being in balance with yourself and others through the GREEN energy center, is what we call healing. So, teach yourself, how you can stimulate this GREEN energy center towards a greater capacity for love and a better balance of your energies.

Colors are your best helpers and the function of this simple self-test is to teach you to know yourself better and to help you move from some negative characteristics to positive ones.

Read below, the characteristics of GREEN energy and evaluate for yourself (writing on a sheet of paper) how you are using your energy if in a negative or positive way. Remember that often the negative use of energy is due to energy deficiency and a lack of balance between all the energy centers. Use the products to have the strength to transform your negative energy into positive!

There are many things you can learn by reading the information in the Shop about the products, because in this journey the products are our best “helpers” to raise the energy level. If you have any doubts, remember to ask our Colour Coaches for advice on the use of the products – Contact us!

means green color
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