Meridiano Terra

Earth Meridian


How to lose weight effortlessly?

Even if you don't often notice it, when your system has problems, it sends you several signals to help you fix them.
These problems often stem from an imbalance in the Earth Meridian, which does not allow you to change direction without losing your balance.

In all Diet processes, the most complex aspect is to accustom the body to a new system of nutrition, and it is an extremely difficult process, because the body does not want to change style, whether right or wrong and poses very strong mental resistances, towards which even the strongest will falters. But a good balance in the energy flow in the Meridian system, allows these changes to be made without effort.

The Meridian energy system deals with the energy flow of the organs, just as the venous system deals with transporting nourishment to the entire body through blood circulation.

Just as we take care of having the best lifestyle, in the same way we should worry every day about having a good energetic balance. The physical part is closely connected to the energetic part, as Chinese Medicine explains.


This Meridian physically supports the digestive system, lymphatic system, immune system, lack of energy, weak muscles and weight problems.

The digestive system is like a second brain , so when it is in difficulty and malfunctioning, it will communicate to the body through the following signals:

  1. Constant feeling of tiredness
  2. Digestive system malfunction
  3. Difficulty making good decisions
  4. Lack of strength, will and emotional stability

According to the Great Traditional Chinese Medicine, the meridians, which we can identify as energetic pathways that allow the external and internal interface of the body, influence both the Energetic Body (mental and spiritual) and the Physical Body.

The meridians linked to the Earth Element are the Stomach Meridian and the Spleen Meridian. This element is also responsible for those “gut” intuitions that serve as a detector of work-related stress or poor diet, caused by an overload of thoughts or emotions. Perhaps you do not know that the energy system of the Meridians manages emotions at a more solid level, compared to other energy systems, which strongly impacts the physical organs. Stress, bad moods, lack of will, difficulties are translated into toxins that attack our noble organs, creating pain and illness.

The Earth Element physically supports the digestive system, strengthening the immune system, energizing weak muscles, aids in weight regulation , and influences your ability to think, study, and concentrate.


(a great resource)

To counteract tiredness by making you feel strong in body and mind, you will be able to surprise yourself by feeling the right and appropriate thought and the flow of new energy.

On the digestive process it acts on the Stomach and Spleen, transforming food from a digestion mechanism into vital energy. If you have a healthy spleen you will not perceive alterations in flavors and you will have control over your appetite.
On an emotional level, the spleen is where thought resides; the Earth meridian allows you to make decisions with the necessary confidence in yourself and others.
“I am happy and lucky, I have faith in everything I do.”

The benefits that the Earth Element Vibrational Alchemical Essence brings:

  • Stomach Meridian – Discernment
    The stomach meridian facilitates receiving on all levels. It safely transports both substances and thoughts through the body system. If what enters is harmonious, the meridian transmits harmony to the entire system.
    The essence with Earth sounds brings wisdom and discernment and has the ability to discern and decide how best to handle what is received.
  • Spleen Meridian – Integrity
    The spleen meridian regulates the chemical functions of the body. It gives the ability to regulate oneself and to be enthusiastic.
    The essence helps the meridian to always be full of energy to maintain constant speed and an excellent energy level throughout the body, regulating mechanisms, including blood sugar levels.
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