Consigli per il bagno con Acqua di colore VIOLA

Bathing Tips with PURPLE Water

PURPLE energy is very special and that is why it is so important, when pouring PURPLE Color Water into the water, not to pour too much at once. Pour slowly and watch the color, it should be clear, light and bright, just like the Amethyst crystal. You will feel a sensation of light around you when you are in PURPLE Color Water.

VIOLET energy is the fastest of the seven color energies, the vibration is fast. But it is not faster than silver energy. But bathing in SILVER would be dangerous, because this vibration is more like quicksilver. Silver is fast, restless, not to be held in the hands, and at the same time very focused on the Whole. And in nature it does not mix with any other element, and who would want such an energy?

PURPLE, on the contrary, surrounds its energy with great spiritual peace and tranquility, but then what is spirit? Something you cannot see and touch, something you cannot buy and carry with you. But you can have it inside you.

Those who work in PURPLE mode know what it feels like, and you can experience it too. It is there, but you have to find it within yourself. First you have to find yourself, no one can teach you how, but once you have found it you will have a choice. Either you choose to accept your PURPLE energy, or you will not accept it, this is what we call the choice between Heaven and Hell.

But most of all, PURPLE tells of the great capacity of the power of creation, it is an energy that lifts you to another level, where everything has a different appearance. It is like flying, and seeing the world from a bird's eye view, from above the wall seems like a simple line, everything is scaled down and in an instant, your vision becomes clear and limpid. What was heavy and sad lifts away like fog, and the important things in life are revealed, and everything that has a meaning for you becomes visible, and for the first time you will notice it.

This is what you can experience in a PURPLE bathroom, you can elevate and broaden your horizons, your imagination awakens, and you can get in touch with your true self. A PURPLE bathroom is unlike any other, because it is through this color that you can make your dreams come true.

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