Come usare i colori

How to use colors

The Colors

Red , orange and yellow are warm colours , blue , indigo , purple , turquoise and pink are cold colours , green is a colour that balances all the others. Warm colours, especially red, have an exciting effect, they increase blood pressure, muscle activity, heartbeat and breathing rate. Cold colours have the opposite effect, they have a calming and relaxing effect, they lower blood pressure, heartbeat and breathing rate. Green It is a synthetic colour , it has a rebalancing and general well-being action.

Knowing the properties of colors allows us to use them effectively to increase the type of energy we need. Every day we may need a different type of energy, for what we have to do that day, or because we need to re-establish our energetic balance.

For example, if we wake up in the morning and feel drained, we might need the color Red; if we have to get ready for a work meeting where we will have to talk a lot, we might use the color Blue. Then, once we have established what we need that day, we can choose the color that can support us and absorb its energy in the way we prefer.

To raise the energy level we have developed specific chromotherapy tools that you can find in our e-shop.

Vitality, courage, confidence

The color red provides the energy of the earth and supports all other energies, offering the necessary support that allows us to face any situation.

Red Use the color red for:
– Use Red energy when you have a particularly demanding and tiring day to face.
– When you feel low on physical, emotional or mental energy.
– As a basic energy to build confidence and self-esteem.
– RED energy gives inner strength, determination and confidence in oneself and one’s abilities.
- Stimulate your love for life.
– If you need to stimulate passion and physical vigor, use RED energy in the bedroom too.
– Nurture physical strength and prevent the onset of disease.
– Use RED energy to boost your immune defenses.
– If you often have colds or are ill, your Red energy level is low.
– Physical ailments (usually) indicate that your RED energy is low.
- RED Energy is the body's fuel that maintains heat and constant temperature.
– It is the energy that stimulates circulation that determines your life force.

Happiness, inventiveness, trust

Use ORANGE energy to brighten up your day and start with the right enthusiasm. The ORANGE color awakens the art of living life, of living emotions, sensations and the ability to get excited; it is our inner child . It helps remove inhibitions, promoting the ability to socialize. It makes you independent and favors relationships. It makes you live in the present moment.

orange Use orange energy to:
– Reactivate all the healing processes of the body, its support is truly precious in this sense.
– Release emotional blocks.
– When you feel disconnected or discontented it means you need more orange energy in your life.
– Orange is an energy of freedom and movement.
– Reduce overreactivity in asthma and allergies.
– Relieve depressive symptoms, as is known, Orange is the best emotional stimulant.
– Activate your lower digestive system and the water functions of your body. If you experience bloating and water retention, it could mean an imbalance in the second Chakra. Try taking daily baths with Orange Water to support the kidneys and lymphatic system.
– Balance your polarities. If you have a masculine energy that governs your personality, get in touch with your orange energy to balance and maintain a state of equilibrium between your emotional and mental sides.

Note: During the orange bath, you may notice a discoloration of the water if your body needs to cleanse itself and eliminate toxins.

Wisdom, clarity, self-esteem

yellow Use the energy of Yellow when studying, when you want to transform thoughts into actions or when you are mentally tired. The color Yellow gives clarity of thought and its energy is connected to the ability to perceive and understand. It therefore promotes concentration, learning and memory, stimulates interest and curiosity.

Use yellow energy to:
– Improve mind power and memory. Ideal for supporting mental clarity in studying.
– Improve self-esteem.
– Yellow is the center of the sun and therefore encourages positive thoughts and a sunny disposition.
– Support the nervous system and the parasympathetic system in its control function.
– Stimulate the upper digestive system, promoting regular bowel function.
– To detoxify the body. The energy of the color Yellow helps to release toxins through the skin.

Note: During the Yellow bath, you may notice a discoloration of the water if your body needs to cleanse and eliminate toxins.

Balance, love, self-control

The color Green brings you back into balance, helps you calm your nerves and guide the heart intelligence when you want to open up in your relationship with your partner or want to create good relationships with other people.

green Use green energy to:
– Cleanse and balance energies bringing peace, harmony and renewal.
– Green is the color of renewal and inner growth.
– Understand the concept of prosperity on the earthly plane.
– Healing a broken heart.
– GREEN is the energy that connects to unconditional love, freeing you from resentment, guilt and pain.
– Forgive, because this balsamic energy helps you accept others and yourself.
– Use green energy to stabilize the heart center or when peace and harmony are needed.
– Use green energy to relax your muscles.
– GREEN physically reduces tension and muscle spasms, producing a sense of balance in the body.

Relaxation, communication, truth

Blue energy develops your ability to communicate, developing that intelligence that makes you find the right words for every occasion. Blue is the color of leadership and improves your organizational ability. It is the color that brings you in touch with your inner truths and allows you to express them in a clear, sincere and direct way. Blue promotes sleep and helps calm hyperactive children.

blue Use the color blue for:
– Connect to your inner truths.
– If you are seeking existential answers, blue energy taps into the potential of your innate understanding.
– Gives you inspiration to seek and use your skills.
– Blue is a great energy of leadership and planning.
– BLUE is the color of relaxation and is a natural sedative, reduces stress, calms the nerves.
– Relieve sunstroke, heat stroke and sunburn.
– This refreshing color helps regulate body temperature.
– Supports the thyroid.
– Reduce hormonal symptoms such as bloating, PMS, mood swings, menopause, etc.
– It is your ally in controlling your appetite and can help you lose weight.

Intuition, imagination, meditation

Indigo energy promotes meditation, connection with the unconscious, strengthens intuition, imagination helping you to see things from a higher perspective.

indigo Use Indigo Energy to:
– Release fears and anxieties and relieve physical or emotional pain.
– Connect to your self-realization.
– Helps release repressed ideas or negative thoughts often through dreams.
– Balancing imagination and the realm of fantasy with reality.
– Purify the blood system.
– The color INDIGO calms the nerves and cleanses the lymphatic system.
– Indicated to purify the body and blood after chemotherapy treatments.??

Note: When taking an Indigo bath you may notice that you feel in a different dimension, not connected to the earth elements.

Spirituality, creativity, inspiration

”Purple energy promotes and connects with one's Spiritual part, with the higher self. Purple purifies thoughts, promotes inspiration, develops talents, creativity and the ability to create one's own life.

viola Use purple energy to:
– Connect with your creative side, the source of your ideas, visions and dreams.
– PURPLE is the energy of higher knowledge, it gives a sense of freedom.
– Stimulate deep insights, freeing you from mental blocks.
– It opens you to trust in the Universe and your spirituality.
– Rebalance the hemispheres of the brain, the rational part and the intuitive part.
– Stimulates hair growth.
– Purple is a color of high healing, its energy is purifying.
– It helps fight bacteria and is an anti-inflammatory in both bruises and skin rashes such as eczema.

Communicate with the Heart, Trust, Eloquence

'Use the energy of Turquoise to stimulate the ability to express yourself and your emotions in an open and sincere way.

turquoise Use Turquoise energy to:
– Learn to communicate with others through the Heart
– Clear and balance your energy field
– Purify the lymphatic system
– Strengthen the immune system by developing a protective barrier against dangerous bacteria and viruses
– Bring calm and a deep sense of balance within you

Universal Love, Grace, Altruism

It represents the female psyche and the maintenance of youth. It has been known since ancient times for its anti-aging properties.

rose Use the energy of Pink to:
– Express love on a Cosmic, Universal level, fostering Unconditional Love for yourself and others.
– Understand where you are in life.
– Remember the purpose for which we are here and reconnect our life purposes with the Love and support of the Universe.
– Eliminate the feeling of being unworthy or worthless.
– Release feelings of impatience, irritability and anger.
– Pink is indicated in aesthetic treatments, alternated with orange, for skin problems such as wrinkles, blemishes, rosacea, broken capillaries, acne, eczema and other blemishes.

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