Colour Chakra Oil Pink
Rose – Universal Love, Grace, Altruism
Use the energy of Pink to express love on a Cosmic, Universal level, promoting Unconditional Love for yourself and others.
Pink helps you understand where you are in life. It helps you remember the purpose for which you are here and reconnects your life purpose with the Love and support of the Universe. It helps eliminate feelings of being unworthy or worthless. It helps release feelings of impatience, irritability and anger.
- Relaxes and regenerates the nervous system, excellent
- regenerates skin tissue: the color Pink is the antiaging par excellence!
- It eases tensions
- invigorates and revitalizes with discretion and delicacy
- helps eliminate the feeling of being unworthy or worthless
- to release feelings of impatience, irritability and anger
Use it when you experience the following symptoms:
- for skin problems
- wrinkles
- staines
- rosacea
- broken capillaries
- acne, eczema and other blemishes
Excellent in beauty treatments when alternated with Orange .
When to use: In the morning, during the day or in the evening, according to your needs.
Instructions: Place 2/3 drops on the area of the body that corresponds to the Heart Chakra. You can rub the mixture on the areas of the hands or feet that correspond, according to reflexology, to the Heart Chakra. In this case, gently massage the affected points.
Other ways to use: Add to the bath with Coloured Water… To increase the synergistic effect in the colour bath, add a few drops, as desired, to the bath water and/or foot bath, to create a synergistic aromatherapy and chromotherapy treatment.