Aura Joy - Rescue Remedy - Peace of Mind

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Discover the joy of living to the fullest!

Aura Joy cleanses and protects your auric field, supporting you emotionally and energetically.

Ideal for:
● find clarity in your thoughts
● support you in case of emotional trauma
● will make you positive, calm and happy

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Aura Joy- Aura Rescue Remedy – Regenerates your overall energy field bringing you to mental serenity

The Aura Joy Sound Essence is a special alchemical essence with sounds, colors, crystals and flowers, and you can use it when you feel unmotivated, without drive and see the world through gray glasses.

We are physical, emotional and spiritual beings; these three dimensions are intertwined and represent our global state of well-being. When at any time one of these bodies is out of balance, it creates emotional discomfort that alters the state of health. Each dimension has its role in stabilizing our health and requires specific support.

Our physical bodies can be supported with air, water, foods and herbs. Our emotional and spiritual bodies need the support of other elements of the universe, which include sound, light, colors, crystals, gems and flowers. Other aspects of supporting our entire body come from positive words and loving touch. There are many different ways in which we receive healing vibrations from the universe. It is important to be open to the experience.

This essencecleanses and protects your mental energy field. You will feel emotionally and energetically supported and this will lead you to be positive, calm and happy, finding clarity in your thoughts. The essence is a very valid help if you have suffered emotional trauma.

Aura Gioia brings back into harmony your healthy and good relationships with others, tryingjoy of living and having fun. Your creativity will be skyrocketing and you will always be motivated.

Use the Joy Aura Essence when:

  • Do you want to live without pain?
  • When you don't feel comfortable in your skin
  • When you have trouble being with family and friends
  • When you can't say "no" to others
  • When you don't feel confident in yourself
  • When you are not satisfied with the place you live
  • When you feel like you care too much about what other people think

What does the essence contain:

  • Sound:12 notes, 12 Colors
  • Crystals: Amber, Amethyst, Aventurine, Blue Agate, Carnelian, Citrine Quartz, Goldstone, Kunzite, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Red Jasper, Tiger's Eye, Turquoise.
    Flowers: Cajeput Laurel, Lemongrass, Coriander, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lily of the Valley, Marjoram, Orange, Rose, Rose Geranium, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Thyme, Ylang Ylang.

What is the Aura and why is it so important?

The aura is our protective SHIELD from cosmic rays in the atmosphere (gamma rays, infrared, ultraviolet, X-rays) and without a protective shield we could not live on the planet. Although not all people know about it, it plays a vital role.
Aura Gioia works on the 1st level of the aura, the etheric level, about 2 cm from the body, which interfaces directly with the body and is associated with the meridian energy system. The meridian system carries electromagnetic energy to the physical body, better known as Ch'ì or vital flow. It is one of the most important.

The etheric aura supports us on the physical plane by containing space, reflecting our feelings and allowing us to express our spirit in the physical world. It is a filter that holds everything that comes from the body, a sort of protection, an immune system, a guide for the body.
It represents the survival level of the psyche, the ego: Am I safe? Am I comfortable? Am I free from pain?
The Etheric Aura represents the primary level of survival of our being and finds its demonstration in the Root Chakra or Base Chakra.
When a threat is perceived, the Etheric Aura increases in thickness to protect the body, to calm fear, and to create additional space for a sense of security. In doing so, however, it can overload the Emotional Aura and the Mental Aura, mimicking their functions to take complete control of the physical body.

Sacred Geometry: Monad and Dodecahedron, numbers 1 and 12 representing the whole and sacredness.

Essences with Colors and Sounds are one of the most extraordinary systems available today that offers wellness vibrations in five dimensions of the body.

What is the operating principle of Essences with Colors and Sounds based on?

Health can be defined as the sound of the body, mind and spirit. This means that the body, mind and spirit are harmoniously resonating to their fullest potential.

When we are healthy we maintain a resonant frequency. When we are sick or out of balance we are out of tune with this resonant frequency so the healing process is simply restoring this optimal resonance for the body, mind and spirit.

This is the basic principle of sound healing and vibrational medicine is that each organ, bone, cell or system has a specific frequency and the concept of disease suggests that a counter frequency has encoded itself on the healthy frequency by vibrating a part of the body out of tune. Using the sound of vibration, it is possible to shift the frequency of the unbalanced part, allowing it to drag itself to its normal frequency, resonating to its maximum potential, seeking the optimal state of health.

There are two ways that vibrational remedies such as essences support our health. The first is that they can provide the sine wave or frequency that is missing. Secondly, they introduce a pattern of harmony where there is discord. Everything in the universe vibrates and has a sine wave. Vibrational remedies that support the vibration of the body include thought, light, color and sound. Other vibrational remedies come from plants and minerals.

Healing frequencies from the plant kingdom are homeopathy, flowers, essences, aromatherapy, herbs and food. Healing frequencies from the mineral kingdom are crystals, gems, minerals, metals and essences made from these vibrations. If our energy is blocked in some way and we do not have the full spectrum of frequencies in our energy field, offering the body various vibrations allows the body to pick up the vibration it needs to support the overall resonance of the body. The body's innate intelligence knows what it needs and integrates the missing frequency into the energy field.

This is the beauty of using vibrational remedies; as the body chooses only what it needs.

How to use essences

Each essence has a very specific function: you can choose following your intuition or get advice from one of our experts. The Essences with sounds represent the “nourishment” of our energy field and can be used up to 1/2 times a day, giving strength and energy to the body. They should be vaporized 10/15 cm from the head, imagine a waterfall of light with 3/4 sprays.

Type: Vibrational remedy in essence spray, with full vibrational spectrum measured through quantum physics

Fragrance: Light and delicate fragrance

Available in 60 ml spray pack

Instructions for use: to use the Essences with Sounds, simply vaporize around yourself once or twice a day so that the benefits fall on the body. The benefits of the essences are immediate, however a period of 4/6 weeks of use of the product is necessary to consolidate the cellular memories.

How to use Aura Joy

To receive the benefits of the Aura Joy Essence, vaporize the essence above your head and in correspondence with the chakras, allowing the essence to expand in your auric field. You can also use it in the house, in the environments to clean and harmonize them, taking away the non-positive energy. Its delicate scent is a delight!

When to use Aura Joy?

At Work/Study/Meditation Aura Joy purifies the mind from irrelevant thoughts that do not belong to it, clearing away the thought-fog of other people, and this makes the air around your aura free from negative interference.
It is ideal in all work, study and meditation situations. During work meetings, Aura Gioia represents the fresh air that reharmonizes collective thoughts. Use it during the break to change the air in the environment and sweep away the blanket of heavy thoughts. Spray Aura Gioia in the environment and a situation of great harmony and clarity of thought will be created. Try it and believe it!

Remember: Good positive thoughts create good energy. Use Aura Joy to send away unwanted negative thoughts.

Traveling with you

Take Aura Gioia with you when you travel, stay in a hotel or go to public places. Aura Gioia clears negative energies from your surroundings and your auric field.

For masseurs and therapists

All massage therapists/therapists should think about the next person, who will have to sit or lie down amidst the negative thoughts that the person before them has left. For this it would be good to clear the environment of negative energies. The goal of treatments to the client is to restore the well-being of the body, mind and spirit, removing all the negative patterns that hinder it, and in itself this is good and right, but just do not let the next person bathe in the garbage thoughts of the previous client!

Stones and Crystals

You can use Aura Gioia for the energetic cleansing of stones and crystals. You can spray it directly on the stones.

Knowing the Aura

It is important to know your aura, because when it is not well maintained, it can create strange manifestations of illness, stress and nervousness. But help can also be found in the aura of others. For this reason it is very important to know your own aura and know that a positive attitude generates a beautiful and strong aura and brings benefit to others.

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