Essence Attraction - Free Yourself from Conditioning, Attract Good Relationships

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Let go and live Love in the present time!

Play and live your emotions to the fullest, this is the best gift you can give yourself every day.

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Free Yourself from Conditioning, Attract Good Relationships – Heart Healing Essence “Attraction”

Discover the magic of true love in your life.

We often live trapped by limiting beliefs and emotional barriers that distance us from authentic relationships. The Essence “Attraction” invites you to free yourself from these conditionings, allowing you to open your heart and create deep and fulfilling connections. Remember that feeling of freedom, when everything seemed possible? Now you can relive that enthusiasm, without fear or reservations.

Live Free from the Chains of the Past

This elixir is much more than a simple product: it is an invitation to let go of the wounds and burdens of the past. With the Heart Healing Essence, you will awaken your true self, allowing emotions to flow freely and transforming every moment into an opportunity for growth and connection. Through this essence, abandon the old dynamics that hold you back and embrace the possibility of building healthy, authentic and fulfilling relationships.

A New Beginning for the Heart

The Essence “Attraction” is the key to opening your heart and living fully in the present. It is not just about attracting love, but about living an authentic life, without constraints and fears. Free your emotions, welcome life and discover how powerful the energy that comes from a liberated heart is.

Your Journey Towards Real Relationships Starts Now

This is the time to let go of conditioning and open yourself to new possibilities. The Essence “Attraction” will guide you towards a life lived with love and presence, where every emotion is a bridge to authentic relationships. The journey towards a life full of real relationships, built on trust and connection, begins now.

Choose the essence of emotional freedom.

Answer these questions to understand if this is the essence for you: (if your answer is no, you need it)

  • Can you appreciate your experiences, good or bad?
  • Are you worried about the future?
  • Can you let go of past grudges?
  • Do you feel free to express yourself?
  • Do you find it difficult to live in the present moment?
  • Do you feel the need to stay in control?
  • Do you practice following your ideas?

How does it work on a physical level?
The essence opens the connection bridge between the 5th, 4th and 2nd chakras, the Orange Emotional Intelligence and the Emotional Body, allowing you to expand your awareness on the frequency of the G chord.
The agreement takes you to that space where you can freely live your emotions, your intentions and your desires. This essence allows you to express with serenity the feelings of love and happiness, through authentic and spontaneous expressions such as laughter and crying. In love this aspect is essential to attract the right partner, as well as to bring an existing relationship to a better level. Emotional liberation is expressed through the physical, mental and emotional levels.

What are the ingredients?

The product has been structured by combining the frequencies from the tuning fork and crystal bubbles with the deep knowledge of homeopathy, color, crystals and gems, sacred geometry, flower essences and aromatherapy. All to create a perfect blend for each of the 5 energy levels.

Crystals: Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Platinum, Sedona Red Rock
Essences: Blackberry, Chickweed, Snowberry
Essential Oils: Bergamot, Coriander, Geranium, Lime, Jasmine, Mandarin Palmarosa, Roman Chamomile, Rose, Ylang Ylang

Benefits of the essence “Attraction”

“Attraction”is an essence designed to promote vitality, creativity and the ability to attract abundance and harmonious relationships into your life. Through the combination of colors, crystals, flower essences and essential oils, “Attraction” works on an energetic level to awaken your creative and magnetic potential, enhancing your ability to manifest the desires of the heart.

Main benefits:

  • Activation of vitality and creativity:The colororange, associated with the second chakra (sacral), stimulates vital energy and creativity. It promotes optimism, joy in living and the ability to enjoy life's experiences. The presence of thecarnelianenhances this effect, reawakening the passion, motivation and courage to achieve one's goals.
  • Mental clarity and energetic amplification:Theclear quartzIt is known as a powerful energy amplifier that gives clarity and focus. It helps to purify the mind, promoting clear decisions and defined goals. This energy of mental clarity combines perfectly with the regenerating and stabilizing effect ofplatinum, which brings balance to subtle energies and promotes connection with intuition.
  • Connection to the earth and emotional stability:The crystal ofSedona Red Rockprovides a strong sense of grounding, helping one feel more centered and connected to the earth. This is essential for those seeking emotional stability during times of change or uncertainty. The combination of these crystals creates a solid foundation upon which to build greater attraction and magnetism in one's life.
  • Demonstration and concrete action:Flower essences such asBlackberryAndChickweedare ideal for those who need to push themselves towards concrete action. These essences help to overcome mental blocks and procrastination, promoting resourcefulness and the ability to transform dreams into reality. TheSnowberrypromotes an expansion of the heart and mind, allowing one to embrace new opportunities with confidence and openness.
  • Emotional renewal and energetic attraction:The essential oils ofbergamot,geraniumAndjasminework together to purify and balance emotions.Bergamotpromotes confidence and optimism, while thegeraniumhelps stabilize and harmonize emotions, creating a positive and attractive state of mind.Jasmine, with its aphrodisiac effect, amplifies personal attraction and stimulates emotional and physical connection with others.
  • Harmonizing relationships and self-love:Essential oils such asrose,ylang-ylangAndpalmarosathey work on an emotional and relational level, promoting self-love and openness towards more harmonious relationships.RoseIt is known to promote unconditional love and heal emotional wounds, whileylang-ylangamplifies sensuality and emotional connection. These oils help create a magnetic aura that attracts positive and nurturing relationships.
  • Healing and inner calm:Essential oils such asRoman chamomileand themandarinThey bring calm and relaxation, helping to manage emotional stress. They promote a state of lightness and serenity, which makes it easier to attract what you want, thanks to a clear mind and an open heart.

In summary:

The essence“Attraction”is designed to awaken your creative and magnetic potential, allowing you to attract abundance, harmonious relationships and opportunities into your life. Working on the energetic and emotional levels, this essence promotes vitality, optimism and concrete action, while supporting emotional healing and the attraction of positive experiences.

How to use

60 ml spray format with delicate fragrance:
Spray the essence with 4/5 sprays, 10 cm above the head, 2 times a day for 4 weeks. Keep away from heat sources and electronic devices (TV, cell, PC).
For external use only. Not suitable for children under 5 years.

The Essences of the Heart

Start your Heart Healing journey NOW, starting with the essence that you think is most suitable for you, but don't forget to use them all progressively, because love is made of 7 distinct colors, but all together they CREATE LIGHT.

Essences are fast and effective in bringing desired results. Many emotional distresses are due to an imbalance in the energy system. Essences are a valid aid in getting out of thought forms that prevent you from living well. Vibrational remedies bring you into the flow of where you want to go because the vibration of sound can instantly shift your frequency.

Have you ever noticed that when you FEEL GOOD… GOOD things happen to you? What seemed impossible yesterday, is possible today. AWAKEN your creative power and fill your future with Color.

The essences are in line with the findings of Bruce Lipton, according to whichBy improving the frequency field of the environment, balanced health can be achieved.

Essenze del Cuore won the international award for best Visionary Product!