Harmonies of Colour body oil – with Lavender essential oil coded to the Violet colour frequency
Colour harmonies for the beauty of body and soul
Emotional body oils Armonie di colore, is a concept line designed for Body & Soul Beauty
,Accordo Viola – Note B – Soothing body oil with lavender essential oil
Violet – Creative Energy that takes you to Freedom – Lavender essential oil has calming, expansion and relaxing properties.
The essence of lavender is a wonderful essence with lots of positive properties. An entire bbok could be written to be able to thank adequately this wonderful plant.
Soul and Psyche: The lavender essence is an oil that suits different needs of the people, for example to cool off in case of fatigue, to calm in the event of unrest. Thanks to its balancing properties it is useful in many different situations, without contraindications. Using Purple Chord oil in the evening facilitate sleeping anywhere.
The place of lavender in the world of science: Through studies on the sleeping behavior, it was shown that spreading lavender in dormitories can improve insomnia of people tested.
Physical properties: The Accordo Viola oil can also be used in case of skin redness after prolonged exposure to the sun. The oil has nourishing properties suitable for mixed or dry skins; It has anti-wrinkle and soothing properties. Lavender is a very valuable essential oil that should be in every home and on any trip!
Note on Purple colour
The Violet Energy is the creative energy that takes you to Freedom – Violet is the colour of creation, a constant process, which occurs in humans as well as in nature. Use this power when you need new ideas and to have the right spirit to see things in better perspective.
Type: vibrational body oil
Fragrance: Light and delicate fragrance of lavender
Size: available 125 ml bottles
Instructions for Use:
Accordo Viola can be used all over the body after bathing or showering.
Excellent pairing after bath or shower red, orange, yellow and purple water colour.
For a more synergistic effect you can add to the bottle 10 drops of Purple Colour Chakra oil.
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