Harmonies of Colour body oil – with Patchouli essential oil coded to the Indigo colour frequency
Colour harmonies for the beauty of body and soul
Accordo Indaco Note A- uplifting body oil with essential patchouli oil.
Indigo – The energy that takes you among the Stars – Patchouli essential oil has an oxidant, aphrodisiac and uplifting effect and it helps indulging and letting go anxiety.
Accordo Indaco with Patchouli essential oil has tissue regeneration and restorative properties, also in case of healing. It also prevents the formation of stretch marks, wrinkles; It is useful in case of dry, tired and aged skin, and in some disorders such as dermatitis, acne cracks and burns. The patchouli oil is also used against water retention, cellulite, thanks to its astringent properties on the circulatory system.
Patchouli essential oil- its action on the psyche
This essence has the ability to “hit the ground” those who live in a dimension enhanced by mental and psychic experiences, reconciling and harmonizing life force with great ideals. In subtle aromatherapy it is also suitable for young people, who find it difficult to identify with their own bodies and seek elsewhere for models to follow.
The patchouli essential oil is not only the aroma of youth, but it also plays antidepressants beneficial effects on adults who must control their physical impulses because of their social and professional life, suffering from psychophysical exhaustion stress, anxiety or sexual disorders. It exerts an euphoric action on these people, because it causes the pituitary gland to produce endorphins, the hormone of well-being. For this property it is like an aphrodisiac essential oil, for those who can not loosen up (frigidity) or suffer from loss of libido, as it increases concentration and energy.
Note on Indigo colour
INDIGO is the color of confidence and conviction. Connecting the mind to the inner truth of who you are. When you get connected to yourself, you will never feel alone, because your inner world is much larger than the outside world.
Everyone can find himself, but unlike yellow energy that research knowledge in the outside world, the INDIGO energy research knowledge of the inner world.
Type: vibrational body oil
Fragrance: Light and delicate fragrance of lavender
Size: available 125 ml bottles
Instructions for Use:
Accordo Indigo can be used all over the body after bathing or showering.
Excellent pairing after bath or shower red, orange, yellow and indigo water colour.
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