Harmonies of Color body oil – with Melissa essential oil encoded on the Orange color frequency
Color accords for the beauty of body and soul
Emotional body oils Armonie di colore, is a concept line designed for Body & Soul Beauty
Orange Chord Note Re – Regenerating Body Oil with essential oil of Lemon Balm
The Orange energy is Joy for Life – Lemon balm essential oil lifts the mood and relieves stress, it rembembers to the body the pleasure of living life in its broadest sense, the female and male sensuality. Lemon balm essential oil is particularly suitable for combination skin, it has a soothing and regenerating effect.
Other beneficial properties of Lemon Balm essential oil
Rebalancing the hormonal system, recommended for problems related to menopause.
Sedative, it has a relaxing effect on the nervous system, calms the tension and anxiety and all of psychosomatic manifestations linked to these conditions, such as palpitations, headache, stomachache. Cardiac, its solar energy invigorates the heart, regulates blood pressure, calms anxiety and stress and therefore their effects on the circulatory system.
The Orange colour
The ORANGE is the energy of Joy for Life. It uplifts the mood and relieves stress, it remembers the body the pleasure of living life, sensuality for both women and men, in its broadest sense.
The ORANGE is the present and it is the colour of the senses. Your ability to enjoy the present moment and to listen to all that you live through the experiences, if you have the time to stop and listen to what your senses tell you.
Type: vibrational body oil
Fragrance: Light and delicate fragrance
Size: available 125 ml bottles
Instructions for Use: Can be used all over the body after bathing or showering.An excellent combination as an after-bath or shower with orange or indigo water.
For a greater synergy effect, you can add 10 drops of Colour Chakra Orange oil or 15 drops of Harmony Orange – Joy to the world oil to the oil bottle.
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