Immersing yourself in the colour ORANGE gives you the right energy and enthusiasm to face the day.
If you wish to live life here and now, you are in the right element.
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Orange Energy brings enthusiasm, joy and joie de vivre, awakening the inner child. It stimulates the emotions and senses, removing inhibitions. It stimulates the ability to change, if life demands it, and creativity. ORANGE energy is our social intelligence, loves sociability and relationships.
Use ORANGE energy to brighten up your day and start it off with the right enthusiasm. It helps you savour life, awakening your inner child. The colour ORANGE stimulates the emotions and senses. It helps and removes inhibitions and promotes the ability to socialise. It makes you independent and encourages relationships.
The colour ORANGE brings you to live in the present moment and there is no greater joy!
ORANGE energy can be compared to water, to all expressions of water, from calm, dark, deep to clear and transparent. Both the running, wild water and the calm water of a pond. The water of the tide and the storm.
ORANGE energy is the energy of the ‘pleasure of living life’. because knowing how to live is an art. It is the colour of sensuality and awakens the art of knowing how to live.
The Colour Orange has a remarkable property, it reactivates all healing processes in the body, immerse yourself with confidence
The Energy of Orange can help in cases of:
Visit the Colour Bathing Tips section for further insights into “How to get maximum benefits with colour baths” and regenerative bath therapy.
Color water is available in size: 200 ml (8/10 baths)
Type: body product.
Scent: odorless, does not contain any kind of fragrance.
Instructions for use:
Red is a warm color and is extremely stimulating. Use it preferably in the morning or, at any rate, during the day. We recommend 2/3 baths per week for about 6 weeks or as needed. Suitable for people of all ages. Use for children over the age of 6, for younger ages seek advice from our experts.
How to use:
Bathtub: pour 2 or max 3 caps of color water into the bathtub, to achieve the preferred color intensity (the higher the color intensity, the greater the energetic effect). DO NOT exceed the recommended dose.
Footbath: pour 1 capful of color water, using a clear or white basin.
Water temperature: warm, but never boiling.
Soaking time: 10 min – do not exceed the time indicated
The product will not stain once diluted in water.
Composition : Color Dil Water is composed of nontoxic organic substances, and the color pigments are formed from the elements of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and carbon. When these elements mix together we are able to visualize color (similar to the rainbow). Color Water is composed of pure filtered water, coconut oil glycerin and from colors approved by the European Union. The bath in color is composed of raw materials from high quality and contains no animal, metal, chemical, charcoal or petroleum products. The product contains no chemical colors but only organic colors.
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